H100 Sentence Outline and Assignment


H100: Rise of the Western Way of War

Writing Requirements

AY 16-17 /  AY 18-19



There are two (2) writing submissions required in H100.   A description of the assignments is available below.  These assignments will assess your critical and creative thinking skills, written communication skills, and most importantly, your ability to demonstrate mastery of the H100 course material. 


(A) Sentence Outline Guidance


Your outline will be no less than one (1) typed page and no more than two (2) pages in length.  Use 12-point Times New Roman and one-inch margins.  Single-space the sentences in the outline; double-space between paragraphs. 


Prior to writing your essay, you will write  an outline of your response to the essay question you plan to answer for your argumentative essay.  Your outline will include an attention step, the thesis, major points of evidence, supporting points of evidence, and a conclusion. Your outline will provide clear detail about what you plan to write in your argumentative essay.  DO NOT include a title page with your outline.  Also, you do not have to submit a CGSC Form 1009w writing evaluation for the outline.  DO NOT include footnotes, endnotes or a bibliography in the outline.


Paragraph C lists the topics for the outline and essay.


The outline is graded as pass/fail, and is due at the end of lesson H107.  See H100 Annex E: Creating a Sentence Outline for specific instructions on creating a sentence outline.  H100 Annex E also contains two example outlines for your reference.  A Department of Distance Education (DDE) faculty member will return your outline with comments on how to improve your argument.  USE THIS FEEDBACK. It will save you a great deal of frustration later.  You MUST attach the graded outline with the faculty comments with your argumentative essay when you turn in that requirement.


                                     *****IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS****


You MUST submit your H100 outline for grading and faculty feedback prior to starting work on the H100 argumentative essay.  You must receive a "pass" on this assignment before you can submit your essay.  DDE WILL NOT accept your H100 essay for grading until you have received a passing score on the outline.  Furthermore, you MUST attach copy of your graded outline with faculty comments when you submit your essay. 





(B) Argumentative Essay


Your essay will be no less than three (3) typed pages and no more than five (5) pages in length.  (3 -5 pages total) The essay must be double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. The page total does not include the title page, footnotes (endnotes), or the bibliography.  It is important to use the military writing style in crafting a convincing argument using the essay format. You will answer the essay question listed below in Paragraph C.  



Your essay MUST include a title page, documentation (endnotes or footnotes), and a bibliography. Always cite your sources.  If something is not your original thought, you need to cite your source using either footnotes or endnotes IAW the Turabian style of documentation; do not use parenthetical citations.  This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of the assigned readings, doctrinal references (see Annex A). You may use all H100 online lessons, readings, and references to help you prepare your assignment.  Refer to ST 22-2 for guidance about citations and footnotes.   You may also refer to A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th edition). 





You MUST include the entire question you are answering, as written below in paragraph C, on your title page.  THIS IS A HISTORY PAPER.    DDE will assess your ability to use history as a tool for informing professional judgment, which is one of the terminal learning objectives for the block. 


(C) Essay Question


1.  How have the theories of Carl Von Clausewitz and/or Henri Jomini influenced the birth of combined arms warfare? Use evidence from H100 (the Western Way of War) to support your argument. In your conclusion, suggest the significance to today's military professional. 




                                        *****IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS****


To do well on the H100 writing assignments, you must do the following:


1.     Receive a "pass" on your outline prior to beginning work on the essay. 


2.     Use the faculty feedback for the outline to make your essay a better product. 


3.     Use evidence (specific examples) from H100 to substantiate your argument.  The essay is worth 60% of the block grade, and providing evidence in your writing is a KEY REQUIREMENT.     


4.     Make sure you are answering the question being asked.  Read the question THROUGHLY


5.     Do not provide a simple summation to the question.  You must write an argumentative essay, and hence argue your point of view supported by specific examples and/or theory from the H100 block of lessons. 


6.     Demonstrate your ability to use history as a tool for informing military judgment. 


7.     Use the Turabian style of documentation to cite your sources.  Use either footnotes or endnotes; do NOT use parenthetical citations.  




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