BM350 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1
__________ attached to television sets in participating homes now record when the set is on and to which channel it is tuned.
Question options:
a) Tachistoscopes

b) Polygraphs

c) Audiometers

d) GPS systems

Question 2
The marketing research process begins by:
Question options:
a) developing a research plan.

b) defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives.

c) analyzing the internal environment.

d) reading marketing research journals.

Question 3
__________ analyze(s) data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
Question options:
a) Marketing metrics

b) Marketing-mix models

c) Marketing forecasting

d) Marketing intelligence databases

Question 4
__________ beliefs and values are passed from parents to children and reinforced by social institutions-schools, churches, businesses, and governments; they are very difficult to change.
Question options:
a) Transient

b) Secondary

c) Core

d) Protected

Question 5
__________ data are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist.
Question options:
a) Primary

b) Secondary

c) Primitive

d) Cross-sectional

Question 6
The demand estimates of an organization are comprised of five space levels: They are world, country, region, territory, and:
Question options:
a) zone.

b) organization.

c) customer.

d) product.

Question 7
__________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
Question options:
a) Marketing communications

b) Internal marketing

c) Marketing research

d) Market segmentation

Question 8
The sites which offer positive or negative product or service reviews and are built by the retailers of a particular product or service are called:
Question options:
a) combo sites.

b) distributor or sales agent feedback sites.

c) public blogs.

d) independent service review forums.

Question 9
The __________ market is the set of consumers with an adequate interest, income, and access to a particular offer.
Question options:
a) potential

b) available

c) target

d) penetrated

Question 10
The most scientifically valid research is __________ research.
Question options:
a) observation

b) focus-group

c) survey

d) experimental

Question 11
__________ refer to groups of individuals who are born during the same time period and travel through life together.
Question options:
a) Cohorts

b) Populations

c) Clans

d) Societies

Question 12
If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be:
Question options:
a) descriptive.

b) quantitative.

c) primary.

d) exploratory.

Question 13
People vary in their views of society and their consumption patterns often reflect their social attitudes. __________ usually live more frugally, drive smaller cars, and wear simpler clothing.
Question options:
a) Makers

b) Escapers

c) Seekers

d) Changers

Question 14
In the United States, people born between the years __________ are called baby boomers.
Question options:
a) 1978 and 2002

b) 1946 and 1964

c) 1925 and 1945

d) 1965 and 1985

Question 15
When a company is said to have engaged in "greenwashing," it means that the:
Question options:
a) company has significantly changed its business processes to incorporate a greener, more environmentally friendly philosophy.

b) company has moved its production facilities to countries where environmental laws and regulations are less rigorous.

c) company has changed its "green" image in order to appeal to a different, usually older, demographic.

d) company's products are not nearly as green and environmentally beneficial as its marketing might suggest.

Question 16
The __________ begins with sales representatives and dealers sending orders to firms and is followed by the sales department preparing invoices, and finally generating shipping and billing documents which are then sent to various departments.
Question options:
a) payroll system

b) market research process

c) human resources system

d) order-to-payment cycle

Question 17
Which of the following economies provide limited opportunities to international marketers to develop product sales?
Question options:
a) Capitalist economies

b) Subsistence economies

c) Raw-materials-exporting economies

d) Industrializing economies

Question 18
A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using __________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.
Question options:
a) sales-force surrogates

b) intermediaries

c) external networks

d) advisory panels

Question 19
A scale that connects two bipolar words is called a:
Question options:
a) semantic differential.

b) multiple-choice question.

c) Likert scale.

d) dichotomous question.

Question 20
According to the concept of __________, a series of increasingly more specific "why" questions can reveal consumer motivation and consumers' deeper, more abstract goals.
Question options:
a) word association

b) projection

c) visualizing

d) laddering


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