C12 Online Exam 1_01 Score 100%

What is considered the supreme law of the land in the United States?

    A. judicial decisions issued by the state courts
    B. the Constitution of the United States of America
    C. the federal statutes passed by the United States Congress
    D. executive orders passed by the President

By allowing U.S. citizens to practice any religion of their choice, what essential function of the law does the U.S. Constitution serve?

    A. facilitating orderly change
    B. maintaining the status quo
    C. maximizing individual freedom
    D. facilitating planning

Vanessa was born to American parents from a minority group in Miami. She applies to a public university which offers scholarships only to students from minority groups. Which of the following standards of review is used to decide if the university violates the Equal Protection Clause by offering Vanessa the scholarship?

    A. rational basis
    B. intermediate scrutiny
    C. strict scrutiny
    D. cogent basis

If the federal government has chosen not to regulate an area of interstate commerce that it has the power to regulate under its Commerce Clause powers, this area of commerce is subject to the __________.

    A. Free Exercise clause
    B. Dormant Commerce clause
    C. Due Process clause
    D. Privileges and Immunities clause

What was the key reason for the creation of law courts during the early development of the English common law?

    A. to administer law in a uniform manner
    B. to help merchants form a standardized set of commercial laws
    C. to increase the power of the king in law-making
    D. to facilitate legal disputes for the wealthy and influential

The Analytical School of jurisprudence maintains that the law should be __________.

    A. shaped by logic
    B. based on social behavior
    C. set by the ruling class
    D. based on morality

An organization provides six months of maternity leave to its female employees, whereas its male employees can avail paternity leave for a maximum of two weeks. Which of the following tests is used to examine the lawfulness of this classification?

    A. rational basis
    B. intermediate scrutiny
    C. strict scrutiny
    D. cogent basis

Advertising is categorized as __________ speech.

    A. fully protected
    B. limited protected
    C. uncensored
    D. unprotected

The __________ was a document that restricted the newly created U.S. federal government from levying and collecting taxes, regulating commerce with foreign countries, and regulating interstate commerce.

    A. U.S. Constitution
    B. Declaration of Independence
    C. Bill of Rights
    D. Articles of Confederation

What would be an example of codified law in the United States?

    A. judicial rulings
    B. federal statutes
    C. treaties
    D. executive orders

The legislative branch of the U.S. federal government is __________.

    A. monocameral
    B. bicameral
    C. tricameral
    D. polycameral

Kingsland is a country that has been exporting apples to the United States for over a century, shipping 300 tons to Georgia each month. However, last month, Kingsland violated a trading norm which was not condoned by Georgia. Which of the following measures should be taken to regulate apple imports from Kingsland?  

    A. Georgia can stop trading with Kingsland after serving a notice.
    B. Georgia can stop trading with Kingsland without serving a notice.
    C. Georgia can appeal to the federal authority which can stop imports from Kingsland.
    D. Georgia can make Kingsland export its apples to another state.

Which of the following statements is true about the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

    A. The Freedom of Speech clause was added to the Constitution in the third amendment.
    B. The Freedom of Speech clause protects speech only, not conduct.
    C. There is no provision for fully protected speech in the Constitution.
    D. Burning the American flag in protest to a military action is in violation of the Freedom of Speech clause.
The Supreme Court decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education was important because it exhibited __________.

    A. the use of the affirmative action policy
    B. the scope of flexibility of the law
    C. the state's supremacy over federal rulings
    D. the importance of following precedence

Fierra Inc. is a German automobile manufacturer that has a 5-percent market share in the United States' automobile market. The company has a unit in North Carolina that imports Fierra automobiles from its parent company in Germany and assembles them. Which of the following measures is in accordance with the United States' Foreign Commerce Clause?

    A. The government of North Carolina imposes an additional 10-percent tax on Fierra cars.
    B. The government of North Carolina bans the sale of Fierra cars.
    C. The government of North Carolina asks Fierra Inc. to shut down its import unit in the state.
    D. The federal government imposes an additional 100-percent tax only on Fierra cars being sold in North Carolina.

The __________ clauses in the Constitution collectively prohibit states from enacting laws that unduly discriminate in favor of their residents.

    A. Due Process
    B. Equal Protection
    C. Establishment
    D. Privileges and Immunities

__________ is that which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to sanctions or legal consequences.

    A. Morality
    B. Philosophy
    C. Law
    D. Religion

Law is described as __________.

    A. a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority, and having binding legal force
    B. a study of fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, and language
    C. a system that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions
    D. a group of hypotheses employed to explain a phenomenon

The concept of federal law taking precedence over state or local law is commonly called the __________.

    A. Preemption Doctrine
    B. Bill of Rights
    C. Due Process Clause
    D. Free Exercise Clause

Which of the following provisions is made by the Due Process clauses?  

    A. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law.
    B. No state can regulate foreign trade directly or indirectly without due process of the law.
    C. Motions for amendments to the constitution cannot be made without a majority in the parliament.
    D. Violation of freedom of speech makes the violator liable for immediate prosecution.


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