Which of the following pairs of goods are probably different in kind according to idealist utilitarianism?
A polio vaccine and a syringe
My life and the life of my children
A dog and a cat
All of the answer choices are correct.
Which of the following people would likely be satisfied with Kantian deontology?
Ferdinand is looking for an ethical framework that uses the Bible as a basis for morality.
Ford is looking for an ethical framework where he can look out for his own wants and needs.
Frannie is looking for an ethical framework that can evaluate actions beyond just their effects.
Felicity is looking for an ethical framework that is based on accepted societal norms.
Theo is running for political office. It is a well-known fact that Theo is corrupt— he intends to use his office for his own personal and financial gain, to the detriment of the communities he serves. Yet polls show that he has a considerable lead over his opponents because he can afford aggressive advertising. A group of citizens decides to take matters into its own hands by blackmailing Theo so he will drop out of the election.
Most people would agree that this action is immoral. How might it be evaluated by a utilitarian?
Blackmailing Theo is morally wrong because blackmail is always wrong, even if you don't agree with someone's values.
Blackmailing Theo is morally right because most citizens do not want him as their leader, even if they have fallen for his advertising.
Blackmailing Theo is morally wrong because it's still possible that he won't win the election, or that checks and balances will keep him from having too negative an impact.
Blackmailing Theo is morally right because the communities he serves will ultimately be happier with a leader who is not corrupt.
Jimmy is a nurse who cares for the aging Mr. Buckner in New York City. Mr. Buckner is a very wealthy man who has saved a lot of money over the years. One day, Mr. Buckner takes Jimmy aside and tells him that he has decided what to do with his money after he dies. Mr. Buckner tells Jimmy that he wants Jimmy to give all of the money to the New York Knicks basketball team. He makes Jimmy promise three times that he will do this. Jimmy thinks Mr. Buckner has gone crazy, but Mr. Buckner dies before they can discuss it further.
Which action is supported by utilitarianism but intuitively seems unethical?
Jimmy does what he promised and gives Mr. Buckner's fortune to the New York Knicks.
Jimmy breaks his promise to Mr. Buckner and instead donates the money to a basketball league that helps inner city youth.
Jimmy breaks his promise to Mr. Buckner and uses the money to pay for an operation his mother needs.
Jimmy decides to keep Mr. Buckner's fortune for himself, as payment for all his work.
In Kantian deontology, the categorical imperative must be derived from __________.
possible consequences
moral law
Which of the following represents act utilitarianism?
Patty looks out for her family because she believes it's her duty.
Percy rescues a stranger from a burning car because he would do that for anyone.
Penelope works because she needs money for rent and food.
Pierre bikes to work because he believes in not wasting gas.
How might a Kantian deontologist evaluate assisted suicide?
It is morally wrong because too many people would do it if they could.
It is morally right because the patient gives his or her consent.
It is morally wrong because it deprives a person of his or her humanity.
It is morally right because it puts a person out of his or her pain.
For Kant, what makes someone human?
A person's genetic code
Freedom and the ability to reason
The ability to have emotions and feel pain
The government's recognition of personhood
The statement, "I will read a book when I get bored so as to improve my mind," is a __________.
universal law
categorical imperative
I try to hurt my roommate by hitting him in the back, but I actually help his chronic back pain instead.
What problem with utilitarianism does this situation demonstrate?
Utilitarianism is committed to treating everyone's happiness equally.
Intent isn't a factor for the utilitarian, so this action is good, even though I meant to cause harm.
An agent is equally responsible for actions he chooses to take or not take.
The intent of an action determines the morality of the action.
Which of the following represents a potential problem for Kantian deontology?
A person can treat other people as means to an end without respect for them.
A person may have to follow different rules than others because of his or her circumstances.
A person's intentions aren't given enough consideration.
A person who isn't aware of committing a crime can't be guilty of it.
Why is utilitarianism an objectivist or relativist theory?
Utilitarianism is objectivist because although people might act in different ways, they all have one goal: to maximize utility.
Utilitarianism is objectivist because all people should consider their own happiness first.
Utilitarianism is relative because the good is proportionate to the individual's intention.
Utilitarianism is relative because what is best for the individual may differ from societal norms.
Which of the following people would likely be satisfied with utilitarianism?
Zach is looking for an ethical framework that applies evenly to everyone.
Zelie is looking for an ethical framework that says animal cruelty is always wrong.
Zoe is looking for an ethical framework that makes sure she is always happy.
Zephaniah is looking for an ethical framework that fits well with religious belief.
Henry vandalizes a local school on a friendly dare.
How would a utilitarian classify this action?
According to Kantian deontology, which of the following would make an act permissible?
It brings about the greatest good for the most people.
It is legal in this place.
It is done with good intent.
It is approved by a majority of people.
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