E03V : Curriculum Development
Question 1
The reason teachers need to know what constitutes typical ages and growth sequences is because:
knowing what is typical for a developmental level helps teachers identify behavior that is definitely atypical.
typical children should reach identical stages of development at identical times.
teachers should not try to teach children their ABC's because kindergarten teachers are supposed to do that.
research reveals that children from a variety of cultures all develop at the same rate in just about every area.
Question 2
In the United States, one in every __________ children will live below the poverty level at some point during their childhood.
Question 3
Restlessness during group time can be alleviated by:
having children sit in small chairs.
alternating girls and boys.
offering it earlier in the morning.
allowing some children to play outside.
Question 4
The best way to keep unit blocks clean is to:
soak them in water with a cleaner such as Spic and Span, and scrub them thoroughly.
allow children to use them only on the carpeted area.
make certain the children wash their hands before touching them.
wax them with paste wax before using them for the first time.
Question 5
_________ has to do with how well the test predicts future outcomes.
Predictive validity
Content validity
Population sampling
Question 6
The average five-year old has not developed enough to:
jump rope.
mentally enjoy games with rules.
walk backward.
be totally independent with toileting.
Question 7
Which of Erikson's stages includes children who are now interested in reaching out to the world around him or her, wants to be part of a group, and is interested in the effect his or her actions have on other people?
Trust versus Mistrust
Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
Initiative versus Guilt
Industry versus Inferiority
Question 8
Infants and toddlers can:
communicate through body movement.
engage in sensory experiences with materials.
begin to explore simple materials such as dough, finger paint.
All of the above
Question 9
The children who are likely to need the most help in developing language fluency at school are those children who:
are nonverbal at home and at school.
are bilingual—speaking one language at home and a different one at school.
are African American and use African American English at home.
stutter or have other serious speech impediments.
Question 10
Arranging events as they occur in time is an example of:
Piagetian seriation.
temporal ordering.
arranging events according to a graduated scale.
Hornblow's theory of systematic sequence.

Question 1
The reason teachers need to know what constitutes typical ages and growth sequences is because:
knowing what is typical for a developmental level helps teachers identify behavior that is definitely atypical.
typical children should reach identical stages of development at identical times.
teachers should not try to teach children their ABC's because kindergarten teachers are supposed to do that.
research reveals that children from a variety of cultures all develop at the same rate in just about every area.
Question 2
In the United States, one in every __________ children will live below the poverty level at some point during their childhood.
Question 3
Restlessness during group time can be alleviated by:
having children sit in small chairs.
alternating girls and boys.
offering it earlier in the morning.
allowing some children to play outside.
Question 4
The best way to keep unit blocks clean is to:
soak them in water with a cleaner such as Spic and Span, and scrub them thoroughly.
allow children to use them only on the carpeted area.
make certain the children wash their hands before touching them.
wax them with paste wax before using them for the first time.
Question 5
_________ has to do with how well the test predicts future outcomes.
Predictive validity
Content validity
Population sampling
Question 6
The average five-year old has not developed enough to:
jump rope.
mentally enjoy games with rules.
walk backward.
be totally independent with toileting.
Question 7
Which of Erikson's stages includes children who are now interested in reaching out to the world around him or her, wants to be part of a group, and is interested in the effect his or her actions have on other people?
Trust versus Mistrust
Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
Initiative versus Guilt
Industry versus Inferiority
Question 8
Infants and toddlers can:
communicate through body movement.
engage in sensory experiences with materials.
begin to explore simple materials such as dough, finger paint.
All of the above
Question 9
The children who are likely to need the most help in developing language fluency at school are those children who:
are nonverbal at home and at school.
are bilingual—speaking one language at home and a different one at school.
are African American and use African American English at home.
stutter or have other serious speech impediments.
Question 10
Arranging events as they occur in time is an example of:
Piagetian seriation.
temporal ordering.
arranging events according to a graduated scale.
Hornblow's theory of systematic sequence.
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