BUSI570 ADE Week 1 Assignment Review of Articles

Please read the articles Greed Cycle , Dumbest Idea in the World , and Maximizing Shareholder Value: The Goal That Changed Corporate America . After you have read them, write a 4-6 page paper addressing the following questions.

Greed Cycle Questions:

  1. What has been the changing nature of the goal of the corporation?
  2. What is the relationship between agency problems and the goal of shareholder wealth maximization?
  3. What are successful and unsuccessful ways in which agency problems between managers and owners have addressed?
  4. What is the relationship between agency conflicts and options given to managers?
  5. What is your opinion of the best goal for corporations?

Dumbest Idea. . . Questions:

  1. What is the Dumbest Idea?   Why?
  2. How has the focus on SH wealth changed the way success is measured?
  3. How has the time perspective been altered by the focus on SH wealth?
  4. What alternative goals are suggested?

Maximizing Shareholder Value:  The Goal that . . . Questions:

  1. What changes are described for IBM in this article?  Why?
  2. Describe the philosophical changes that have occurred as a result of this change in goal.  How has this impacted behavior?
  3. What about Social Responsibility?

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