Question 1
While Six Sigma's methods include many of the statistical tools that were employed in other quality movements, here they are employed in a systematic project-oriented fashion through the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) cycle.
You will need to reference the table below during the drag and drop portion of this interactive.
Define |
Measure |
Analyze |
Improve |
Control |
The Define phase of a Six Sigma DMAIC cycle is most likely to use: flowchart
Pareto charts are most likely to be used in the Six Sigma DMAIC step known as: Measure
A tool that is commonly used to help standardize data collection is the: Checksheet
The tool that is used to separate value-added from non-value-added steps in a process is the: Opportunity flow diagram
Process control charts show plotted values of a statistic: Time sequence chart
Fishbone diagrams are commonly used in the Six Sigma DMAIC step known as: Analyze
Question 2
Which of the following is not a typical phases of product development?
Concept development
Value engineering
System-level design
Testing and refinement
Question 3
Design for manufacturing and assembly delivers product improvements by emphasizing which of the following?
Reducing product quality during the assembly process
Simplification of the product by reducing the number of separate parts
Reducing equipment in the production process
Designing products so they can be manufactured by a virtual factory
Designing products that customers will want
Question 4
What dimension of competitiveness does time-to-market performance in product design and process selection affect?
Engineering hours per project
The cost of ongoing service
Responsiveness to customer needs
Aesthetics of design
None of these
Question 5
A reason that firms must develop more new products than ever is which of the following?
Product life cycles are shorter
Commitments to joint venture partners
They are replacing old customers with new ones
To amortize heavy investments in development labs
The increased difficulty of defending patents and trade names
Question 6
Similarity of projects allows for a streamlined and highly structured development process in which variant of the generic product development process?
Technology-push products
Customized products
Complex systems
Quick-build products
Process-intensive products
Question 7
Read the overview below and complete the activities that follow.
Zappos considers their product to be great service. Many companies strive to provide superior customer service. Few companies actually achieve this goal. The Zappos executives explain how their organization has earned the tagline Powered by Service.
The speed and accuracy of the Zappos order fulfillment operation enables the immediate gratification that is essential to earning a customer's loyalty. The design of the order fulfillment facility combined with near flawless order execution results in extraordinarily high repeat sales.?
Technology-push products
Customized products
Complex systems
Quick-build products
Process-intensive products
Read the overview below and complete the activities that follow.
Zappos considers their product to be great service. Many companies strive to provide superior customer service. Few companies actually achieve this goal. The Zappos executives explain how their organization has earned the tagline Powered by Service.
The speed and accuracy of the Zappos order fulfillment operation enables the immediate gratification that is essential to earning a customer's loyalty. The design of the order fulfillment facility combined with near flawless order execution results in extraordinarily high repeat sales.?
Technology-push products
Customized products
Complex systems
Quick-build products
Process-intensive products
1. At Zappos, the speed and ease at which the customer receives a purchase: Is referred to as immediate gratification
2. Zappos expansion from shoes to handbags, apparel and accessories was driven by: The customers
3. Zappos extraordinary inventory accuracy is attributed to: Random access storage
4. Which characteristic is not part of the Zappos order fulfillment process?: Standard hardware
5. The order packer is responsible for all of the following except: Placing the packing list in the box
6. The Zappos order fulfillment system includes : Order batching
Question 8
Capacity can be defined as the ability to hold, receive, store, or accommodate.
Question 9
If the best operating level of a piece of equipment is at a rate of 400 units per hour and the actual output during an hour is 300 units, which of the following is the capacity cushion?
25 percent
100 units per hour
75 percent
125 percent
133 percent
Question 10
When deciding to add capacity to a factory, which of the following need not be considered?
Maintaining system balance
The frequency of capacity additions
Use of external capacity
Immediate product demand
Availability of raw materials
Question 11
Capacity planning involving consideration of production scheduling and inventory position is characterized by which one of the following time durations?
Intermediate range
Long range
Short range
Question 12
An assumption of learning curve theory is which of the following?
Unit time will decrease at a decreasing rate.
Unit time will increase at a decreasing rate.
Unit time will decrease at an increasing rate.
Unit time will increase at an increasing rate.
Unit time will hold constant.
Question 13
An assumption of learning curve theory is which of the following?
The reduction in unit time will follow a predictable pattern.
Unit time will decrease at an increasing rate.
The time required to do a task will vary randomly each time the task is repeated.
Learning will not be transferred from one worker to the next.
Organizational learning is not included in learning theory.
Question 14
What did Burton achieve through their groundbreaking product line, grassroots efforts to gain acceptance and team of top snowboarders?
Business growth
The core of the snowboard is _____
Complex, proprietary and carefully engineered consisting of different sizes, shapes and types of wood
Which statement best describes how new product ideas are generated?
Brainstorming happens with team at competitions and roundtables
What are two characteristics of a Burton employee?
Long term employee, enthusastoc snowboarder
Which statement best describes Burton's inventory?
Just enough inventort because it is expensive and fresh inventory makes the best board
What is the primary source of Burton's snowboard manufacturing equipment?
Burton custom engineers and makes the majority of their manufacturing equipment
Question 15
Service strategy begins by integrating operations and strategy.
Question 16
Which of the following is a characteristic that can be used to guide the design of service systems?
Services cannot be inventoried.
Services are all similar.
Quality work means quality service.
Services businesses are inherently entrepreneurial.
Even service businesses have internal services.
Question 17
The Define phase of a Six Sigma DMAIC cycle is most likely to use: flowchart
Pareto charts are most likely to be used in the Six Sigma DMAIC step known as: Measure
A tool that is commonly used to help standardize data collection is the: Checksheet
The tool that is used to separate value-added from non-value-added steps in a process is the: Opportunity flow diagram
Process control charts show plotted values of a statistic: Time sequence chart
Fishbone diagrams are commonly used in the Six Sigma DMAIC step known as: Analyze
Question 18
Qualitative: Market research, Discussion
Time series analysis: Seasonal factor, simple exponential smoothing, trend Leading indicatpr
Causal Relationships: Linear regression not based on time
Simulation: Historical analogy, Range of assumptions
1. When the manager of a landscaping service uses demand over the last 36 months to forecast demand for the next 12 months, he is likely to use which of the following?
Time series decomposition
A manufacturer trying to forecast demand for a radically new portable data storage device for computers, smartphones and other digital electronics is most likely to rely on which of the following?
The Delphi method
When the manager of an athletic shoe store attempts to forecast demand for a new line of running shoes by discussing it at her weekly staff meeting, she is likely to use which of the following?
Panel consensus
The owner of a career counseling service who keeps track of layoff announcements by local businesses and uses that information to forecast demand for his services is most likely using which of the following?
Linear regression for a causal relationship
A snow cone vendor who adds demand from the previous three days and divides the total by three to forecast demand for the next day is using which of the following?
Simple moving average
A university admissions manager who is generating several forecasts for college enrollments for the next four years based on various possible unemployment levels and government budgets for educational grants and loans is using which of the following?
Question 19
Assume you are sequencing jobs using Johnson's rule. A particular job requires 3 hours to assemble and then is followed by 2 hours in the painting department. Which of the following is where you would schedule this job?
As early as possible in the unfilled job sequence.
As late as possible in the unfilled job sequence.
The schedule would depend on the due date.
Does not matter.
Johnson's rule does not apply.
Question 20
When work is scheduled in detail using the setup and run time required for each order, it is called which of the following?
Infinite loading
Finite loading
Johnson's rule
Question 21
When work is scheduled in detail using the setup and run time required for each order, then theoretically all schedules will be feasible.
Question 22
According to the theory of constraints, which of the following is a kind of time that makes up the cycle time in production?
Quality time
Break time
Research time
Idle time
Question 23
Which of the following is a negative aspect of JIT compared to synchronous manufacturing?
JIT cannot deal with outside vendors.
JIT needs broadly fluctuating production levels.
JIT does not allow very much flexibility in the products produced.
JIT requires a great deal of workforce computational skills.
JIT does not deal well with bottlenecks.
Question 24
We would expect to see which of the following in an MRP system's inventory status file?
End items produced
Late/early delivery records
Scrap parts
Labor efficiency
Computer errors
Question 25
Which of the following is the net requirement using an MRP program if the gross requirement is 1,250 and the inventory on hand is 50?
None of these
Question 26
Yield management is an important tool that can be used to shape demand patterns.
Question 27
In an overview of the major operations planning activities in a typical logistics organization, which of the following activities most immediately follows aggregate sales and operations planning?
Process planning
Strategic capacity planning
Vehicle dispatching
Vehicle capacity planning
Warehouse receipt planning
Question 28
From an operational perspective, yield management is most effective under which of the following circumstances?
Demand cannot be segmented by customer.
Inventory is perishable.
Fixed costs are low, and variable costs are high.
The customer is a "captive" of the system.
The firm doing yield management is very profitable.
Question 29
What is the common name for a computer system that integrates application programs in accounting, sales, manufacturing, and other functions in a firm by way of a shared database?
Entrepreneurial resource programming (ERP)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Endeavor reconstruction planning (ERP)
Enterprise retention programming (ERP)
Question 30
Within a sustainability framework, the economic dimension of the triple bottom line concept goes beyond just profit for the firm but also provides lasting economic benefit to society.
Question 31
If all you knew about a production system was that total daily output was 400 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 400 units was 350 hours, and the total materials used were 425 units, what kind of productivity measure could you use to compute productivity?
Partial measure
Multifactor measure
Total measure
Partial measure and Multifactor measure
Multifactor measure and Total measure
Question 32
One of the objectives of facility location analysis is to select a site with the lowest total cost. Which of the following are hidden costs that should be included in the analysis?
Becoming less responsive to the customer
Supplier costs
Construction costs
Product life cycle costs
Question 33
Plant A is located at the (X, Y) coordinates of (200, 500) and has a volume of shipping of 400 units a day. Plant B is located at the (X, Y) coordinates of (300, 100) and has a volume of shipping of 300 units a day. Using the centroid method, which of the following is the X coordinate for the new plant location?
About 208
About 227
About 243
About 389
X coordinate cannot be computed from the data given.
Question 34
Which of the following is an improvement-driven reason for outsourcing?
Shorten cycle time.
Improve effectiveness by focusing on what the firm does best.
Increase product and service value by improving response to customer needs.
Turn fixed costs into variable costs.
Reduce costs through a lower cost structure.
Question 35
Acquisition costs include which of the following costs?
Quality costs
Maintenance and repair costs
Environmental costs
Supply chain costs
Customer dissatisfaction costs
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