1. A commercial for Sure brand of antiperspirant employs the _______ function when it suggests that failure to use the brand may result in situations where the individual is socially embarrassed by the presence of body odor.
A. ego-defensive
B. value-expressive
C. utilitarian
D. knowledge
2. An ad has reached the point of _______ when it has been seen so many times that it no longer triggers recall of favorable feelings from viewers' long-term memory.
A. wear out
B. exhaustion
C. fatigue
D. maximum impact
3. Psychographics involves the measurement of
A. activities, interests, and opinions.
B. activities, interests, and objectives.
C. activities, intentions, and objectives.
D. attitudes, interests, and opinions.
4. Ads that stress sexuality to sell goods or services such as Viagra and Sandals Resorts are largely based on the assumptions that underlie _______ theory.
A. instinct
B. arousal
C. cognitive dissonance
D. drive
5. According to the text, the most common reason for customer dissatisfaction with a business is
A. hours of operation.
B. product assortment.
C. customer service failures.
D. price level charged for products.
6. Over time, consumers attempt to program decisions by seeking shortcuts they can use to reduce the effort involved in decision making. The practice of following rules of thumb to simplify decision making is known as
A. internal search.
B. external search.
C. sharpening.
D. heuristics.
7. Dee anticipates a potentially significant gain from expending time and effort in comparison shopping before she purchases her wedding gown. Purchasing the wedding gown is a _______ decision for Dee.
A. high-involvement
B. cognitive
C. low-involvement
D. programmed
8. The small set of brands that comes to mind when one contemplates buying a product is known as the _______ set.
A. inept
B. choice
C. evoked
D. instrumental
9. The _______ threshold is the point beyond which further increments in the intensity of a stimulus cease to produce greater sensation.
A. terminal
B. absolute
C. marginal
D. differential
10. Which model of attitudes considers attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms regarding the behavior?
A. Theory of trying
B. Theory of goal pursuit
C. Fishbein's multi-attribute model
D. Theory of reasoned action
11. It has been proposed that the goal of emotional advertising is bonding. In this sense, bonding means
A. connecting the consumer and a product through an emotional tie.
B. restoring a consumer to his or her optimal stimulation level.
C. fusing rational and emotional motivations to precipitate consumer action.
D. depicting how a brand complements a consumer's personality and lifestyle.
12. According to Neo-Pavlovian conditioning, what's really being conditioned is
A. rituals.
B. post-overt-behavior responses.
C. an evaluative response or attitude.
D. reflexes.
13. _______ considered personality to be a hypothetical entity that can't be separated from interpersonal relationships, and that represents a relatively enduring pattern of dealing with recurrent interpersonal situations.
A. Sullivan
B. Fromm
C. Adler
D. Horney
14. The _______ concept states that a task becomes easier and is performed more quickly as the number of repetitions increases.
A. halo effect
B. stimulus-generalization effect
C. learning curve
D. retroactive inference
15. To create an image of quality for its new and existing products, General Electric applies the same brand name to every item the company markets. This practice of family branding applies concepts borrowed from
A. operant conditioning.
B. the theory of reasoned action.
C. classical conditioning.
D. attribution theory.
16. People who are generally unwilling to seek and accept challenges are referred to as
A. low-sensation seekers.
B. low achievers.
C. opinion leaders.
D. opinion receivers.
17. The allocation of mental capacity to a stimulus or task is known as
A. sensation.
B. attention.
C. memory.
D. exposure.
18. The inability to perceive all of the stimuli that compete for a person's attention is a result of
A. selective exposure.
B. perceptual vigilance.
C. perceptual overloading.
D. selective attention
19. Which of the following statements about nonprogrammed decisions is true?
A. They result from novel circumstances or situations that consumers encounter infrequently.
B. They're performed with minimal effort.
C. They're part of the consumer's regular routine.
D. They require no special thought on the part of the consumer.
20. Those who demonstrate greater public self-consciousness are sometimes referred to as high self-
A. motivators.
B. monitors.
C. achievers.
D. actualizers.
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