Infomercial Speech- Quick chop

Prepare your speech by following these steps:
1. Select a speech goal.
a. Brainstorm to select a topic. Choose a product or service that you want to
highlight in your infomercial. Your choice may be real or imaginary. It can be
something tangible (like a cell phone or a vacuum cleaner), or it can be
intangible (like a diet plan or financial services).
b. Decide what methods you'll use to inform your audience. You can inform
by describing, defining, comparing and contrasting, narrating, and
Describing: Create an accurate and vivid verbal picture of an object, feature,
event, person, or image. This approach answers questions of who, what, and
where. Explain features such as its size, shape, color, composition, age, condition,
and spatial organization.
Defining: Explain the meaning of something. Differentiate it from similar ideas.
Explain its history and its function. Use synonyms and antonyms to give your
subject more depth.
Comparing and contrasting: Focus on ways in which your subject is similar
to or different from other things. For example, if you've chosen to talk about a
new type of pot scrubber, you might point out how much it resembles another
brand in capability, but point out how it's softer and less abrasive than that
other one.

Narrating: This is essentially storytelling, and it can be done using first person
(I and we), second person (you), or third person (he, she, and they). Orient
the listener by describing when and where an event occurred. Introduce the
important characters. Explain the sequence of events. Recount a complication
or problem and how it was solved. Use vivid language.
Demonstrating: Show how something is done or how something works.
This showing can be done in just a few steps, or it can be complex.
Demonstrations require you to have expertise, so be sure to practice.
c. Understand your audience and adapt to it. Realize that your audience will be
made up of diverse members. Analyze your audience members to assess
their familiarity with your topic. You should know what your audience's interest
in your topic will be, so that you can adjust your content to that audience.
Before you begin, be sure to determine how you'll establish your own credibility
with the audience.
d. Consider how the occasion affects how you present your speech.
e. Develop a speech goal statement.
2. Gather and evaluate information for your speech.
a. Examine what you already know and where you need additional information.
b. Locate, evaluate, and select different sources. If necessary, gather information
on your product or service; otherwise, make a list of the topics you want
to mention in your speech. If you gather information from other sources, be
sure to credit them in your speech. Use legitimate resources, which can be
identified using Table 4.3: Evaluating Internet Research, in your textbook. Use
research cards to make notations of your information.
3. Organize, develop, and outline your speech.
a. Identify three to five major ideas you want your audience to remember.
b. Combine your speech goal with your major ideas to create a thesis statement
with a main point preview.
c. Develop your main points.
d. Outline the speech body.
e. Create an introduction to get attention, establish relevance for the listener,
and state your thesis.
f. Create a conclusion that summarizes your goal and the main points and gives
the audience a sense of closure.
g. Compile a list of sources.
h. Review and revise the outline as needed.
4. Choose and prepare presentation aids.
a. Ensure your aids clarify, emphasize, and dramatize your story.
b. Don't use just words on your aids; use, for example, pictures, charts, and
c. Ensure your visual aids are easily seen and audio aids are easily heard. This
consideration will depend on the size of the auditorium or other place in which
you present your speech. Audio/video aids shouldn't be longer than 15
seconds for 3-minute speeches.
d. Determine when you'll integrate your aids into your presentation.
5. Practice your speech alone. Pay particular attention to the language you use and
the style of your delivery.
a. Practice until your wording is vivid, appropriate, clear, and accurate.
b. Practice until your delivery is conversational and expressive.
c. Practice integrating your presentation aids.
d. Practice until you can give your speech without reading it or repeatedly
referring to your note cards.
6. Practice your speech in front of some friends or relatives. Ask them for feedback on
your presentation. If necessary, revise your speech based on the input you receive.
7. Once you've rehearsed the speech and you're satisfied with your delivery, set up a
time to record the speech. Invite at least five people to serve as your audience.

(Speceh transcript and power point presentation)


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