Exam 350350RR - Rehearsal and Delivery

Exam 350350RR - Rehearsal and Delivery

Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. The blueprint for your speech is the
A. research.
B. summary.
C. outline.
D. conclusion.

2. To commemorate an anniversary, a marketer for Bell Labs will give a speech on three scientific achievements of Alexander Graham Bell. Which pattern should the marketer use?
A. Spatial
B. Topical
C. Pro-and-con
D. "Who? what? where? when? and why?"

3. A presidential campaign manager tapes a pep talk telling volunteer workers they're "the best, the brightest, the most brilliant strategists I have ever seen," knowing that assigning these traits will get them to act accordingly. What is the campaign manager doing?
A. Positive labeling
B. Agenda setting
C. Name calling
D. Low-context speaking

4. A pediatrician wants to speak about contemporary parents who push and over-schedule their children to the point of exhaustion, asking, "Is this the right way to treat kids?" "Is this immoral?" The pediatrician is exploring the subject with questions of
A. fact.
B. culture.
C. value.
D. policy.

5. A seasoned speaker has decided he is most comfortable using extemporaneous delivery. The main reason is because using this method can be thought of as taking part in a kind of
A. rehearsed theater.
B. formal recitation.
C. spontaneous commentary.
D. enlarged conversation.

6. A speaker who learned English as a second language often accents the wrong syllable and says sounds that should be silent—demonstrating two of the most widespread problems with
A. articulation.
B. diction.
C. pronunciation.
D. translation.

7. When you consider whether audience members are from a high-context or low-context culture, you're thinking about the
A. degree to which individuals are influenced by their culture.
B. way technology and mass media shape their culture.
C. level of sophistication in their culture.
D. way information is communicated in their culture.

8. Twelve people have one characteristic in common—they're all gay parents—which allows them to assist each other in coping with specific problems they confront in society. They have organized a/an _______
A. intervention
B. encounter
C. consciousness-raising
D. assertiveness training

9. A term or phrase combining two normally opposite qualities is a/an
A. oxymoron.
B. analogy.
C. simile.
D. metaphor.

10. A new regional manager is ready to practice giving a report to the annual meeting but isn't exactly sure how. The manager should be advised to rehearse it
A. from beginning to end, including leaving and returning to her seat.
B. by memorizing it word for word.
C. by reading the preparation outline aloud.
D. in separate parts in order to make it simpler.

11. An economist signals where he is going in his presentation on the national debt when he says, "Let me define the problem," and later, "So what is the solution?" He is using _______ transitions.
A. connective
B. preview
C. signpost
D. review

12. For a persuasive speech with a hostile audience, your goal should be to
A. create incremental change.
B. create action in favor of your argument.
C. incite a vocal debate.
D. change the audience's opinion.

13. How many main points are optimal in a speech of 5–15 minutes?
A. 2–4
B. 100–200
C. 20–40
D. 10–20

14. A poet incorporates many words and phrases invoking temperature, texture, and touch in her lecture so the audience can practically feel what she's describing. In this way she creates _______ imagery in her
A. metaphorical
B. auditory
C. tactile
D. visual

15. A young man who is new to public speaking wants to do everything he can to rehearse effectively. What technique should he try, since it has been shown to greatly help speakers rehearse?
A. Using a microphone
B. Becoming very conscious of all his flaws
C. Practicing alone rather than with an audience
D. Taping or videotaping himself

16. Which of the following informational topics would be most efficiently organized using the temporal pattern?
A. The richest woman in the world
B. The backpacking guide to the National Parks
C. The amazing structure of the brain
D. The strategic moves taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis

17. A speaker opens her presentation by asking an intriguing question, though she doesn't really expect an answer. She is using a/an _______ question for her introduction.
A. rhetorical
B. open-ended
C. closed-ended
D. narrative

18. A TV celebrity is asked to give a commencement speech, the first the celebrity has ever presented.
What advice should the celebrity be given?
A. Organize the speech in a topical pattern.
B. Be very detailed and thorough.
C. Offer a motivational message.
D. Focus on a persuasive argument.

19. Which of the following speakers should use internal summaries in structuring the presentation?
A. She has a humorous speech that's quite brief.
B. She would like to suggest what will be coming later.
C. He wants to trace a map or route using a spatial format.
D. He needs to recap major subdivisions in a long and complex speech.

20. What are the five steps in the motivated sequence?
A. Selection, identification, deliberation, action, conclusion
B. Attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, action
C. Perception, attention, motivation, visualization, negotiation
D. Definition, need, perception, realization, satisfaction


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