
Problem 1
Fifty business students were given a project to complete. The bar graph below shows the number 
of days it took the students to  complete the assignment.

1. How many students took 4 days to complete the assignment? 

2. How many students completed the project in 3 days or less? 

3. What percent of students completed the project in 3 days or less?

Problem 2
The bar graph below shows the Quarterly Dollar Volume of Batesville Tire Company.
Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions.

1. Which quarter had the highest dollar volume? 

2. What percent of the yearly sales were the sales for October–December? 

3. What was the percent of increase in sales from the first to the second quarter?

Problem 3
The line chart below shows data for Automobile Gasoline Mileage Comparisons for 
full-size and compact cars.
Refer to the chart and answer the questions.

1. What speed gave the highest gasoline mileage for both types of automobiles? 

2. What speed gave the lowest gasoline mileage for both types of automobiles?

3. At what speed did the first noticeable decrease in gasoline mileage occur? 
Which car showed this decrease? 

Problem 4
The line chart below shows Dale Crosby's Salary History.
Refer to this chart and answer the questions.

1. Calculate the amount and percent of increase in Dale's salary from 2014 to 2015.
Amount of increase
2. What is the percent of increase in Dale's salary from 2012 to 2013?
Percentage of increase
3. Calculate the amount and percent of increase in Dale's salary from 2016 to 2017.
Amount of increase
4. If the cost-of-living increase was 10% from 2011 to 2016, determine if Dale's
salary for this period of time kept pace with inflation.
Hint: For part 4, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Find the amount of salary increase from 2011 to 2016.
Step 2: Find the percentage increase from 2011 to 2016.
Step 3: If the percentage increase from Step 2 is greater than 10% cost-of-living increase, then
Dale's salary kept pace with inflation, otherwise no.
Step 1: Amount of salary increase from 2011 to 2016
Step 2: Percentage increase from 2011 to 2016
Step 3: Did the salary keep pace with inflation?

Problem 5
The pie chart below shows the family budget. Refer to the chart and answer the following questions.
1. What is the total take-home pay?

2. What percent of the total take-home pay is allocated for transportation?

3. What percent of the take-home pay is allocated for food?

4. What percent of take-home pay is spent for education? 

5. What percent of take-home pay is spent for education when education, 
savings, and miscellaneous funds are combined to be used for education? 

Total of education, savings, and miscellaneous funds
Percentage of take-home pay spent on this combined total

Problem 6
The bar chart shows the distribution of tax dollars. Refer to the chart and answer the following questions.
1. What expenditure is expected to be the same next year as this year?

2. What two expenditures are expected to increase next year? 

3. What two expenditures are expected to decrease next year? 

4. What expenditure was greatest both years? 

Problem 7
The Canmark Research Center Airport Customer Satisfaction Survey uses an online questionnaire to provide airlines and airports with
customer satisfaction ratings for all aspects of the customers' flight experience (airportsurvey website, July 2012). After completing a
flight, customers receive an e-mail asking them to go to the website and rate a variety of factors, including the reservation process,
the check-in process, luggage policy, cleanliness of gate area, service by flight attendants, food/beverage selection, on-time arrival,
and so on. A five-point scale, with Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor, is used to record customer ratings. Assume
that passengers on a delta Airlines flight from Myrtle beach, South Carolina, to Atlanta, Georgia, provided the following ratings for the
question, "Please rate the airline based on your overall experience with this flight." The sample ratings are shown below.
Credit: Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., Williams, T. A., Camm, J. D., & Cochran, J. J. (2017). Statistics for business & economics 13e. Boston: Cengage Learning.

1. Use the pivot table feature in Microsoft Excel and create a frequency distribution with two columns - Rating and Frequency.

2. Use Excel to create a bar chart (or a pivot bar chart)

3. Use Excel to create a pie chart (or a pivot pie chart)

4. Interpret information from the charts and the frequency distribution.

Problem 8
The data below shows the total sales per day of the week by four salespersons.
Use Microsoft Excel to construct a line chart (graph)showing total sales by the days 
of the week for Happy's Gift Shoppe.

Which day of the week constituted highest sales?

Problem 9
Use Excel to find the mean, median, and mode of the scores given below.
68 Mean
83 Median
95 Mode

Problem 10
After your MBA, you are employed as a business analyst for a company that makes household products, 
which are sold by part-time salespersons who work during their spare time. The company has four 
salespersons employed. Let us denote these salespersons by A, B, C, and D. The sales records (in dollars) 
for the past 6 weeks for these four salespersons are shown in the table below.

Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a brief analysis comparing the sales volumes and the consistency
of sales of these four salespersons. Use the mean sales for each salesperson to compare the sales volumes,
and then choose an appropriate statistical measure to compare the consistency of sales.
Consider the data as sample data.

Case Adapted from Introductory Statistics, 8e, Mann

Problem 11
The data below shows personal income for Quarters 2014: II - 2015: III in millions of dollars, seasonally
adjusted at annual rate. Construct a line graph of the data.

After plotting the line graph, answer the following questions:

1. Is the graph exhibiting an increasing, decreasing, or fluctuating trend?

2. Which period showed the highest personal income?

Problem 12
Construct a pie chart (circle graph) showing the distribution of market share using the data below.
The data represents the percent dollar market of comics and magazine sales for September (rounded 
to the nearest whole percent).

After plotting the pie chart, answer the following questions.

1. What percent of market share is held by the largest three companies?

2. What was Image Comics' sales for September if the total market was $80,000,000?

3. If the total market had $80,000,000 in comics and magazine sales for September, what were the sales for Marvel Comics? 


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