MB651 Activities and Discussions

MB651C Business Decision Making All Discussions and Activities


MB651 Ethical Decision Making and Business Culture


Lesson 1: Roadmap for the Journey


Discussion Question 1-1 (50 points)


Compare and contrast the ethical theories of utilitarianism and Kantian ethics; address fifteen (15) issues in your discussion.  In your opinion, which ethical theory has more merit for business decisions?  Defend your choice by stating two (2) reasons for your opinion.  (50 points)

(A 2-page response is required.)





Discussion Question 1-2 (50 points)


Rights, virtue, feminist, and common morality theories have all impacted ethical decision making in the past decade.  Respond to each of the following questions referring to these theories.  (50 points) (A 2-page response is required.)


a.       Compare and contrast each of the four (4) theories.


b.      What influences do you see each of these four (4) theories having on business ethics?


c.       Which one (1) of these theories do you think will be most important in the next five years?  Defend your answer with at least one (1) reason and one (1) example.



Lesson 4: Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace


Discussion Question 4-5 (50 points)


You have been asked to give a presentation to an Introduction to Business class on affirmative action and compensatory justice.  Write a defense of both affirmative action and compensatory justice.  Your paper should discuss a total of five (5) issues in defense of the concepts.  (50 points)  (A 2-page response is required.)



Lesson 4: Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace


Discussion Question 4-6 (50 points)


In "A Defense of Diversity Affirmative Action", James Sterba argues that preferential treatment of minority groups is justified through appeal to both the goal of diversity in education and the goal of remedying the effects of societal discrimination, a constitutionally permissible appeal. Do you believe that rectifying past injustices is an appropriate goal of government legislation? Why or why not?  (50 points)  (A 2-page response is required.)




Lesson 5: Ethical Issues in Marketing and Information Technology


Discussion Question 5-1 (25 points)


As presented by David M. Holley in "Information Disclosure in Sales" (Beauchamp & Bowie, 2013, p. 263) discuss the five (5) rules of information disclosure. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)




MB651 Ethical Decision Making and Business Culture


Lesson 5: Ethical Issues in Marketing and Information Technology



Discussion Question 2 (25 points)


The Right to Privacy is central to ethical issues in information technology and the Internet.  Address the following issues concerning this concept.  (25 points)  (A 1½-page response is required.)


a.   Discuss two (2) personal viewpoints and two (2) organizational viewpoints related to the issues of privacy and the exchange of information. 


b.      Discuss the (2) ethical foundations involved in determining privacy issues.


c.       Which issue specifically is key to a Kantian viewpoint of privacy?  Explain.



Lesson 2: Corporation, Character, and Responsibility



Activity 2: Stakeholder Management (100 points)


Read the narrative by John R. Boatright entitled "What's Wrong–and What's Right–with Stakeholder Management" from your textbook (pages 69-78).  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style.  (100 points)  (A 4-page response is required for the combination of Parts A and B). 


Part A        Stakeholder theory


1.      Explain stakeholder theory.


2.      Outline two forms of stakeholder management.


3.      Where does stakeholder theory go wrong?


Part B        Stockholder theory


1.      Explain the stockholder model of corporate governance.


2.      How and why do shareholders govern corporations?


3.      Are stakeholder interests protected by the shareholder model ofmanagement? Explain and fully support your position.



Lesson 3:  Acceptable Risk: Management, Employees, Consumers, Investors, and the Environment



Activity 3: Enron Analysis


Several years ago, the Enron Corporation was a high-tech investor's dream.  Stock prices were high, employees were able to buy stock and invest in their 401K plan, morale was high, and things were apparently going smoothly.  Their auditing firm, Arthur Andersen supported the financial numbers that were given to the public as to the soundness of the company.  Then a whistleblower from the inside (a vice president) revealed that there were many other corporations formed within the company, and monies were loaned to top officials of the company.  In a matter of weeks, Enron became (at that time) the largest bankruptcy case in American business history.  Later it was discovered that senior managers took millions of dollars through stock transactions and, at the same time, were telling employees that the company's future looked bright.  Many employees lost all their retirement assets, and stockholders lost millions.


Delineate the ethical standards violated in the Enron case based on each of the six (6) ethical theories studied thus far.  Begin by briefly identifying/defining each of the six (6) ethical theories.  Next, focus on those standards violated by Enron, and discuss five (5) issues related to utilitarianism, five (5) issues related to Kantianism, three (3) issues related to rights issue ethics, four (4) issues related to virtue ethics, six (6) issues related to feminist ethics, and four (4) issues related to common moral theory.  Then, briefly discuss 10 standards violated by Arthur Andersen.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style.  (100 points)

(A 3- to 4-page response is required.)




Lesson 6: Ethics, International Business, and Justice Issues



Activity 6: Far-East Designs (100 points)


You have discovered that the company you work for, Far-East Designs, has been running plants in Vietnam for the manufacture of a women's designer clothing line you sell.  A customer brought this to your attention and asks how you can justify the fact that he or she should continue to buy from you when you are taking advantage of foreign workers who continue to live in poverty.  You return to your company president and share your concerns.  His claim is that the workers are paid at a level far above the minimum wages set forth by the local government.  In fact, they have excellent working conditions and are happy workers.


The company president tells you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the customer, which supports the work that is being done in Vietnam.  Your task is to develop a PowerPoint presentation justifying salaries and working conditions in Vietnam and defending your company.  Be sure to provide illustrations of your company's policies relating to the issues you discuss.  Refer to several of the standards covered in your reading to strengthen your argument.  Your presentation should provide a logical and consistent argument that supports your company.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points)  (A minimum of 15 slides is required in your PowerPoint presentation.)



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