HCS440 Week 1 Economic Worksheet


Health Care Economics Worksheet


Complete Parts A and B.                                                                                                          


Part A


Pair the health care economic term from Column A with the appropriate definition from Column B. List the corresponding letter in Column C.


Column A

Column C

Column B

Positive economics


A.    The cost of producing an additional unit of output

Normative economics


B.    The value of a resource in its next best use

Price elasticity


C.    Costs that have been incurred and cannot be recouped

Marginal cost


D.    Using objective analysis and evidence to answer questions about individuals, organizations, and societies

Equilibrium price


E.    The percentage of quantity demanded that is associated with a 1% change in the price of a product

Sunk cost


F.    The price in which quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied

Opportunity cost


G.    Using values to identify best options









Part B


Write a 50- to 150-word summary for each event or trend listed below identifying the event and its effect on health care economics and include APA references in each area.


The Evolution of Health Care Economics Timeline


Event / Trend

Identify event or trend and its significance


Social Security Amendments of 1965 (provide background and facts)



Evolution of managed care organizations (provide a history with specifics)



Increase in the aging population (support with facts and figures)



Increased use of technology in health care (provide examples)



Affordable Care Act (negatives and positives)



Cite your sources below. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, check out the Reference and Citation Generator resource in the Center for Writing Excellence.





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