Final Exam

In addition to basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, leaders are ascribed: 
procedural and external roles.

procedural and internal roles.

strategic and internal roles.

strategic and external roles.

Leaders in high power distance cultures would be most characterized by: 
expecting feedback from employees.

relying on formal structures to accomplish tasks.
seeking notoriety for the organization.

focusing on team efforts.

The trait approach to leadership suggests that: 
leaders have special innate qualities.
leadership traits are clearly visible.
traits are based on social class.
traits cannot be measured.

The interactionist view of individual differences suggests: 
the environment determines who we are.

genes are the most important factor in making people who they are.

heredity and the environment both influence individual differences.

culture is one of the key factor in determining how people behavior.

All managers have access to which source of individual power? 




Followers will only follow a charismatic leader if: 
they believe change is needed.

they are motivated.

they have clear rewards waiting for them.
they are confident.

As organizations grow and mature, the leader's influence is often replaced with: 
the influence of teams.

the power of middle management.

the presence of a strong culture.

individual decision making.

Which of the following cultural values can affect employee participation in decision making? 

tolerance for ambiguity

time orientation

__________ is change that is the result of specific and conscious actions by leaders or followers to change the organization. 




__________ focuses on education and teaching participants the skills to effectively conduct the day-to-day activities of the individual's role in the organization. 
Executive development

Leader development

Leadership Development

Supervisory and managerial development

E-commerce can be defined as: 
the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business.

the use of any Internet technologies in a firm's daily activities.

the digital enablement of transactions and processes within an organization.
any digitally enabled transactions among individuals and organizations.

Which of the following is NOT a community provider? 



__________ is a utility program that allows you to check the connection between your client and a TCP/IP network. 



Which of the following types of servers monitors and controls access to a main Web server and implements firewall protection? 
Proxy server

List server

Groupware server
Mail server

All of the following are factors in contributing to the increase in cybercrime EXCEPT: 
the ability to remotely access the Internet.

the Internet's similarity to telephone networks.

the ability to anonymously access the Internet.

the Internet is an open, vulnerable design.

Software that is used to obtain private user information such as a user's keystrokes or copies of e-mail is referred to as: 

a backdoor.


Which of the following is NOT true about search engine advertising? 
Spending on search engine advertising constitutes almost half of all online advertising spending.
The top three search engine providers supply over 95 percent of all online searches.
The click-through rate for search engine marketing has been fairly steady over the years.
Search engine advertising is the fastest growing type of online advertising.

Downloading music tracks owned by record companies without paying for them is an example of a violation of: 
patent law.

copyright law.

trademark law.
privacy law.

All of the following are challenges faced by bricks-and-clicks firms EXCEPT: 
coordinating prices across channels.

handling returns of Web purchases at retail outlets.
building a credible website.

building a brand name.

All of the following have led to the development of outsourcing of manufacturing around the world EXCEPT: 

globalization of trade.

environmental concerns.

high levels of wage disparity between the developed and undeveloped worlds.

__________ strategy is concerned primarily with how to compete within individual markets. 


Business unit

There are several ways of attaining __________, including having a strong and unique brand, a large and loyal customer base, and low-cost production facilities. 
lower transaction costs

a competitive advantage

economies of scale and scope

increased customer value

Important factors in the __________ environment are interest and exchange rates, evolution of stock markets and, more generally, economic growth rates. 


political and legal

Kotler proposes a number of different requirements that any type of market segmentation should fulfill. They include all of the following EXCEPT: 




The __________ illustrates how information captured in the physical value chain can be used to develop new markets. 
virtual value chain
value network

ICDT model

internal value chain

Doing this to the disruptive innovator means that a company tries to out-substitute the substitution. 



Potential adopters usually come to the __________ for advice and information about innovations. 

early adopters

early majority

brand leaders

__________ management focuses on logistics and support functions. This business includes the building and management of physical facilities, such as manufacturing or assembly plants, retail outlets and truck fleets, for high-volume production and transportation processes. 

Customer relationship


A __________ is a website that displays content that users can incorporate as is, or modify at will. 


media platform

desktop application

__________ takes place when hackers misrepresent their true identity or misrepresent themselves by using fake email addresses. 

Malicious code



Which of the following is NOT true of utilitarianism? 
It advocates maximizing utility.

It provides an easy way to measure utility.

It appears intuitive to many people.

It has influenced economics.

When are our values formed? 
During childhood, and they do not change after that
During adolescence

Once we are adults

All throughout our lives as we mature

Which of the following is NOT a moral right? 
Negative rights

Contractual rights
Positive rights

Legal rights

What is a key cause of alienation, according to Marx? 
Capitalist managers care nothing for their workers.

In a capitalist society, there are only a few rich people and many poor.

Capitalist societies see everything in terms of their market prices.

It is impossible for workers to not be alienated when they are essentially slaves to the system.

What is the definition of "comparative advantage"? 
Production costs of making a commodity are lower for one country than another.
A company has a trade secret that gives it an edge in the markets.

A country produces many different goods, rather than specializing.

Opportunity costs of making a commodity are lower for one country than another.

What is the term for a grant that indicates ownership of a particular expression or idea? 
Intellectual property



In a monopoly, how many sellers are there? 
There is a relatively small number of large firms controlling the market.
There is only one seller, but other sellers can enter the market.

There are many sellers, so new sellers cannot enter the market.

There is only one seller, and new sellers cannot enter the market.

In a perfectly free competitive market: 
no buyer or seller has the power to significantly affect the price of a good.

the most influential buyers or sellers have the power to affect the price of a good.
the majority of buyers or sellers have the power to affect the price of a good.

only buyers have the power to significantly affect the price of a good.

Ozone depletion is a serious threat to our survival; which gases are extremely harmful to the ozone layer? 
Carbon dioxide




Which of the following is NOT a significant challenge when exercising due care? 
Determining what is an acceptable level of risk

Informing customers of potential hazards

Predicting all possible modes of product failure

Determining which customers are able to safely use a product

The mission of the Pew Internet & Life Project is to "explore the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work, home, and daily life." In August – September 2007 they conducted telephone interviews with a sample of American adults aged 18 and older about online shopping. What is the "what" in the above example? 
Internet impact

Online Shopping

American adults

Pew Internet & Life Project

A mid-priced chain of hotels, Hometown Suites, collects data on monthly occupancy rates for forecasting and planning purposes. This data is: 
time series.



The art guild wants to encourage people from out of town to attend events. Generally, they know that 40% of people who purchase tickets from them are from out of town and often use other amenities in town such as restaurants and hotel accommodations. The guild wants to use this information to entice these vendors to advertise in their program and be assured that these customers are represented in the samples. Their database includes zip codes of customers, and the student consultants decide to sample 70 tickets buyers from zip codes outside of town and 100 from the town's zip code. What kind of sampling scheme are they using to replace the simple random sample? 
Cluster sampling

Systematic sampling

Another simple random sampling

Stratified sampling

A contingency table is used to see: 
how a whole divides into categories.

how two categorical variables are related.

the proportion of each row contained in the cell of a frequency table.

the conditional distribution of a categorical variable within each category of another variable.

What is the most appropriate measure of central tendency for data when the distribution is skewed? 
The mean is preferred over the median.

The mode is preferred over the median.

The median is preferred over the mean.

The mode is preferred over the mean.

Suppose the correlation, r, between two variables x and y is -0.44. What would you predict about a y value if the x value is 2 standard deviations above its mean? 
It will be .88 standard deviations below its mean.

It will be .88 standard deviations above its mean.

It will be 2 standard deviations below its mean.

It will be .44 standard deviations below its mean.

For quality control purposes, a company that manufactures copper sheets routinely takes samples from its production process. Since its product is often used for decorative purposes, one inspection check involves counting the number of imperfections or flaws on sheets that measure 36 sq. ft. Suppose the average number of imperfections per sheet of this size is 3. What is the probability that a sheet of this size has 2 imperfections? 




One division of a large defense contractor manufactures telecommunication equipment for the military. This division reports that 12% of non-electrical components are reworked. Management wants to determine if this percentage is the same as the percentage rework for electrical components manufactured by the company. The Quality Control Department plans to check a random sample of the over 10,000 electrical components manufactured across all divisions. The Quality Control Department wants to estimate the true percentage of rework for electrical components to within ±4%, with 99% confidence. How many components should they sample? 
417 electrical components

425 electrical components

435 electrical components

438 electrical components

In a metal fabrication process, metal rods are produced to a specified target length of 15 feet. Suppose that the lengths are normally distributed. A quality control specialist collects a random sample of 16 rods and finds the sample mean length to be 14.8 feet and a standard deviation of 0.65 feet. Which of the following statements is true? 
The sampling distribution for the sample mean follows the t-distribution with 16 degrees of freedom.
The sampling distribution for the sample mean follows the t-distribution with 15 degrees of freedom.
The mean of the sampling distribution for the sample mean is 14.8 feet.

The sampling distribution for the sample mean is normal with a mean of 14.8 feet and standard deviation of .65 feet.

The correct interpretation of the regression coefficient for the variable Trust Index is: 
For companies that give the same average annual bonus, an increase of 10 points on the trust index is associated with a decrease of 0.72% in turnover rate, on average.
An increase of 10 points on the trust index results in a decrease of 7.2% in turnover rate.
Holding average annual bonus constant, increasing the trust index by 10 points will decrease the turnover rate by 7.2%.
For companies that give the same average annual bonus, an increase of 10 points on the trust index is associated with an increase of 0.72% in turnover rate, on average.


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