EN360 Lesson 4 & 5 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 
For illustrating a trend over time, the appropriate figure is typically a:
Question 1 options:


line graph.

pie chart.

Gantt chart.
Question 2 
Which of the following statements is MOST valid?
Question 2 options:

Margins of half an inch or smaller are desirable for most documents.

PDF files typically cannot be altered or manipulated by readers.

Page design and document organization are synonymous.

In a long document, the front matter should not have page numbers.
Question 3 
Paragraphs in a document should:
Question 3 options:

all be about the same length.

be consistently short.

be consistently long.

vary in length.
Question 4 
Sentences using active voice:
Question 4 options:

include a clear agent performing the action.

might be too blunt to be effective.

might be inappropriate if the object is more important than the subject.

All of the above.
Question 5 
Question 5 options:

is never acceptable in technical writing.

is always acceptable in oral communication.

is the language (phrases and terms) used by individuals in a particular profession.

is understood cross-culturally.
Question 6 
Which of the following is true?
Question 6 options:

Distortion for the sake of emphasis is often justified.

Photographs you find on the web can be used freely.

Icons resemble the items they represent.

Flowcharts move from bottom to top, showing how the process moves up.
Question 7 
A sans serif font may be NOT used for:
Question 7 options:

the main text of a formal report.



None of the above.
Question 8 
All of the following are common sources of wordiness EXCEPT:
Question 8 options:

strong verbs.


prepositional phrases.

weak verbs.
Question 9 
Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate?
Question 9 options:

Color can be used for headings.

Color helps readers focus on essential information.

Use very bright colors to draw attention to text.

Bold or shading can be used instead of color.
Question 10 
Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate?
Question 10 options:

Use simplified clip art liberally.

Provide a sense of scale in videos.

Label the important parts of illustrations.

Use directional markers in diagrams when necessary.
Question 11 
To create a readable table:
Question 11 options:

include footnotes, as necessary, to clarify information.

use ample white space between items.

abbreviate numbers of more than three digits.

All of the above.
Question 12 
Digital editing tools:
Question 12 options:

are able to identify words that are used incorrectly.

will not search for clutter words.

will not catch an instance of "its" that should be "it's."

always give the best advice to a writer.
Question 13 
To write fluently:
Question 13 options:

use long sentences for special emphasis.

use a consistent sentence length.

use a consistent sentence construction.

combine related ideas.
Question 14 
Unjustified text:
Question 14 options:

has uneven spacing between words.

is common for formal materials.

is appropriate for letters and memos.

All of the above.
Question 15 
Which of the following statements about tone is MOST accurate?
Question 15 options:

Never use contractions.

Vary the tone of a document from section to section as needed.

Never use "I" or "we" in a technical document.

Using "you" and "your" will help a writer connect with readers.
Question 16 
In choosing the appropriate tone:
Question 16 options:

use a semiformal tone when you want to sound conversational.

when in doubt, avoid being too casual.

use a formal tone with subordinates.

use an informal tone with superiors.
Question 17 
In a well-formed line graph:
Question 17 options:

each line is labeled.

each line is visually the same as all other lines.

grid lines are used.

up to 10 lines are included.
Question 18 
Bulleted lists are appropriate for:
Question 18 options:

organizing similar items.

enumerating a sequence of steps.

drawing attention to headings.

None of the above.
Question 19 
When constructing bar graphs:
Question 19 options:

vary widths of the bars for emphasis.

use numbers or gradations that are evenly divided.

use the same colors or shades for multiple bar graphs.

do not include a title.
Question 20 
When adding headings, be sure to:
Question 20 options:

use no more than two levels of headings.

avoid using all capital letters.

include orphans periodically to show consistency.

None of the above.

Question 21 
In an adjustment letter:
Question 21 options:

offer an incentive, if appropriate.

apologize in passive voice.

use active voice to explain the customer's mistake.

Both b and c
Question 22 
Privacy issues apply
Question 22 options:

email only.

texts only.

email and texts.

neither email nor texts.
Question 23 
When creating workplace emails:

try to incorporate emoticons for greater connection with your audience.

apply a conversational, informal style.

don't include a signature block.

None of the above.
Question 24 
Distribute a memo to:

the media.

everyone in your organization, even if only a few people need to read it.

the people who need the information.

a couple of administrative assistants, and let them pass along the information.
Question 25 
The style of a memo should be:




All of the above.
Question 26 
Which of the following is INACCURATE?

A work letter often has a persuasive purpose.

Appeal to both logic and emotion in a sales letter.

International audiences often expect a personalized introduction to a letter.

The most popular format for workplace letters is the left justified format.
Question 27 
Which of the following is a valid statement?

Initializing a memo is an outdated practice.

Readers generally prefer memos to have an indirect style.

Memos generally focus on one topic.

A memo is always preferable to a phone call.
Question 28 
The standard term for sending angry, sarcastic, insulting emails is:
Question 28 options:




Question 29 
In a letter of complaint, a(n):

indirect approach is appropriate for arguable claims.

indirect approach is appropriate for routine claims.

direct approach is always the most effective.

direct approach is appropriate for arguable claims.
Question 30 
When conveying bad news:

place an apology at the very end of the letter.

use phrasing such as "I regret" or "We're sorry."

use "you" to place responsibility on the reader.

never use passive voice.
Question 31 
Components of a well-written email message include all of the following EXCEPT:

clear subject line.

brief introduction.

signature block.

a succinct but friendly tone.
Question 32 
Which of the following is NOT correct?

Use of bullets and headings is inappropriate in email messages.

For most simple correspondence, email is the correct format to use.

Always assume that any email message you send will be read by unintended audiences.

Texting is a bad choice for communication that requires careful editing.
Question 33 
When sending a work-related text message:

keep it simple and to the point.

use as many abbreviations as possible.

digress from your main topic.

feel free to discuss confidential topics.
Question 34 
Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate?

A memo that is longer than one page should include headers on subsequent pages.

Memos must never be longer than one page.

A table may be included in a memo.

Bulleted or numbered lists may be appropriate for memos.
Question 35 
A transmittal memo:

distributes bad news to the recipients.

distributes good news to the recipients.

accompanies long reports or proposals.

distributes both bad and good news to the recipients.
Question 36 
Email privacy can be compromised when:

everyone on a group mailing list automatically receives a copy of the message.

messages are saved in backup files that are later accessed by others.

someone with your password accesses your email account.

All of the above.
Question 37 
To write an effective sales letter:

begin with a long and detailed introduction.

exaggerate claims.

clearly state any benefits for the reader.

avoid asking the reader to take action.
Question 38 
Which of the following statements about inquiry letters is LEAST accurate?

Address the letter to a specific person.

Provide all of your contact information so that you can be reached easily.

Do not enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, as doing so is presumptuous.

Express thanks and offer to follow up..
Question 39 
The standard communication term for language used to create an exaggerated impression of importance is called:




Question 40 
The "you" perspective in a letter is MOST appropriate:

in the salutation.

in the first sentence of the letter.

in the concluding paragraph.

throughout the letter.


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