C11 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT

Question 1 5 / 5 points
If a competitive market operates perfectly, it relies on __________.
Question options:

the number of people buying goods

the laws of supply and demand

how many products can be produced for sale

how much people are willing to pay for the products
Question 2 5 / 5 points

Refer to Figure 4.6, which shows David's and Celeste's individual supply curves for flower arrangements per week. Assuming David and Celeste are the only producers in the market, what is the market quantity supplied at a price of $30?
Question options:




Question 3 5 / 5 points
The big tradeoff is the tradeoff between __________.
Question options:

quantity demanded and quantity supplied

price and quantity demanded

efficiency and equity

total surplus and deadweight loss
Question 4 5 / 5 points
A change in the quantity demanded of a product is the result of a change in __________.
Question options:

the price of the product

the price of related goods

consumer income

the cost of producing the product
Question 5 5 / 5 points
What happens if the price of a product is below the equilibrium price?
Question options:

The buyers will stop purchasing a "cheap" product.

The producer will lower the price to sell more product.

There will be an excess demand for the product.

There will be a surplus of the product.
Question 6 5 / 5 points
If the equilibrium price of a good increases and the equilibrium quantity of the good decreases, we can conclude that __________.
Question options:

demand increased

demand decreased

supply increased

supply decreased
Question 7 5 / 5 points
A supply curve is defined as the relationship between __________.
Question options:

the price of a good and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy

the price of a good and the quantity that producers are willing to sell

the income of consumers and the quantity of a product that consumers are willing to buy

the income of consumers and the quantity of a product that producers are willing to sell
Question 8 5 / 5 points

Refer to Figure 4.6, which shows David's and Celeste's individual supply curves for flower arrangements per week. Assuming David and Celeste are the only producers in the market, if the market quantity supplied is 50, the price must be __________.
Question options:



between $10 and $20

Question 9 5 / 5 points
The market demand curve __________.
Question options:

shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity that all consumers together are willing to buy

is drawn assuming that variables such as income and tastes are variable

is drawn assuming that the number of consumers is variable

is drawn assuming that the selling price is fixed
Question 10 5 / 5 points
When consumers are willing to buy more than producers are willing to sell, __________.
Question options:

there is excess supply of the product in the market

there is excess demand for the product in the market

the market is in equilibrium

the demand curve will shift until the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded
Question 11 5 / 5 points
When there is a change in the quantity demanded it means that __________.
Question options:

the hours the customer can buy products each day have increased

the number of products in inventory have increased

the quantity a consumer is willing to buy changes when the price changes

the selling price of the products has not changed
Question 12 5 / 5 points
Quantity of Frozen Latte-On-A-Stick Supplied
Price Flo's Supply Rita's Supply
1 0 0
2 0 3
3 4 6
4 9 9
5 15 12
Table 4.1

Refer to Table 4.1, which shows Flo's and Rita's individual supply schedules for frozen latte-on-a-stick. Assuming Flo and Rita are the only suppliers in the market, what is the market quantity supplied at a price of $2?
Question options:




Question 13 5 / 5 points

Refer to Figure 4.1, which shows Molly's and Ryan's individual demand curves for compact discs per month. Assuming Molly and Ryan are the only consumers in the market, what is the market quantity demanded at a price of $3?
Question options:




Question 14 5 / 5 points
When the price of apples goes up, __________.
Question options:

the demand for apples will decrease, ceteris paribus

the demand for apples will increase, ceteris paribus

the quantity of apples demanded will decrease, ceteris paribus

the quantity of apples demanded will increase, ceteris paribus
Question 15 5 / 5 points
A demand curve is defined as the relationship between __________.
Question options:

the price of a good and the quantity of that good that consumers are willing to buy

the price of a good and the quantity of that good that producers are willing to sell

the income of consumers and the quantity of a good that consumers are willing to buy

the income of consumers and the quantity of a good that producers are willing to sell
Question 16 5 / 5 points

Figure 4.2 illustrates the supply and demand for T-shirts. If the actual price of T-shirts is $7, there is an __________.
Question options:

excess demand of 8 T-shirts

excess supply of 8 T-shirts

excess demand of 10 T-shirts

excess supply of 10 T-shirts
Question 17 5 / 5 points
Suppose that the quantity of cars supplied exceeds the quantity of cars demanded. We would expect that __________.
Question options:

the price of cars will increase

the price of cars will decrease

the supply will increase (supply will shift to the right. to meet the demand

the demand will decrease (demand will shift to the left. to meet the supply
Question 18 5 / 5 points
If there is an advancement in the technology used to produce a product, what is the likely effect it may have on the supply?
Question options:

The company would not change its manufacturing.

More people would be needed to produce the product.

It would decrease the supply.

It would increase the supply.
Question 19 0 / 5 points
When demand increases and the demand curve shifts to the right, equilibrium price __________ and equilibrium quantity __________.
Question options:

increases; increases  (Incorrect)

increases; decreases

decreases; increases

decreases; decreases

Question 20 5 / 5 points
A change in quantity supplied of a product is the result of a change in __________.
Question options:

consumer income

the state of production technology

the cost of producing the product

the price of the product


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