BZ480 International Management

BZ480 Online Exam 1


Which of the following creates shared value?

A. Creating social value by creating economic value

B. Reconceiving products and markets

C. Disabling local cluster development

D. Creating economic value by creating social value



Social responsibility, ethical behavior, and interdependence are important concerns to be built into:

A. economic control.

B. management control.

C. corporate sustainability.

D. moral idealism.



In recent years, which of the following has lessened the criticisms of MNCs?

A. Increasing economic differences among countries

B. Greater emphasis on social responsibility by MNCs

C. Limited emphasis on social responsibility and ethical behavior

D. Dissolution of MNCs in developing countries



Which two factors are primarily assessed when using the qualitative approach to measure a country's economic risk?

A. The country's natural resources and its long-term national debt

B. The competence of the country's leader and the economic policy direction

C. The probability of terrorism and the likelihood that the country's debts will be repaid

D. The country's purchasing power overseas and the consistency of the country's leadership



The checklist approach relies on a few easily measurable and timely criteria believed to reflect or indicate changes in the __________ of the country.

A. creditworthiness

B. dynamics

C. quality

D. trust




Which of the following best explains why many foreign companies find operating in China a difficult experience from a business perspective?

A. China lacks the financial and legal systems needed to support the country's foreign trade.

B. China's local market is not large enough to support its extensive exporting to the U.S.

C. China's government mandates that workers receive high wages and benefits.

D. China's exchange rate changes too frequently for U.S. businesses to compete.



According to the international codes of conduct, MNEs should:

A. resolve disputes according to the domestic law of the home country.

B. dominate the capital markets in which their operations are based.

C. use inexpensive, imported sources for components and raw materials.

D. conduct research and development activities in developing countries.



If MNCs want to take the lead in dealing with ecological interdependence, then they most likely need to:

A. comply with international environmental regulations.

B. incorporate sustainability goals into strategic planning.

C. invest all profits into recycling and renewing resources around the world.

D. work with foreign governments to draft global environmental protection legislation.



To which of the following free-trade agreements do Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua all belong?







Which of the following is dedicated to monitoring issues of data privacy in Europe?

A. The Telecommunications Data Protection directive

B. The EU Data Retention Directive

C. The EU Directive of Data Protection

D. The Privacy and Electronic Communications EC Directive



Experts suggest that firms wanting to globalize through e-commerce must first localize, which means firms need to:

A. use local suppliers, vendors, and distributors to manufacture products for the local market.

B. modify their products and services to meet the needs and interests of local cultures.

C. sell their products in a brick-and-mortar store before selling them through an e-market.

D. test their products and services in local markets before selling them over the Internet.



Which of the following concepts requires that an industrial system be viewed not in isolation from its surrounding systems, but in concert with them?

A. Industrial ecology

B. Industrial engineering

C. Ecological succession

D. Ecological shadow



Which type of country is most likely to use its investment laws to acquire appropriate technology?

A. Post-industrial country

B. Newly industrializing country

C. Less-developed country

D. Highly developed country



Which of the following is the main reason why companies dispose hazardous waste in less developed countries?

A. International agreements

B. Weak regulations and low costs

C. Advanced waste disposal plants

D. Large amounts of available land



According to Robertson and Crittenden, which of the following has made integrating an ethical component into international strategic decisions, challenging?

A. Corporate ethics

B. Cultural constraints

C. Natural resources

D. Political stability



Which of the following is characterized by networks of international linkages that bind countries, institutions, and people in an interdependent economy?

A. Communism

B. Nationalization

C. Socialism

D. Globalization



Which of the following was the primary purpose of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Convention on Bribery?

A. To establish bribery laws

B. To quantify global corruption

C. To combat corporate corruption

D. To protect corporate bribery whistleblowers



Political risks are best described as any governmental actions or politically motivated events that:

A. suggest the firm is legally responsible for specific wrongdoings.

B. negatively affect the firm's long-run profitability or value.

C. interfere with the personal safety of the firm's employees.

D. harm the firm's capacity to meet consumer demands.



Primo is a multinational enterprise based in California that manufactures and sells affordably-priced athletic shoes in retail stores around the world. A Primo manufacturing subsidiary in China employs over 20,000 locals. Primo executives recently learned of human rights violations at the firm's China subsidiary. Workers had been forced to work more than 60 hours each week, and minimum wage laws were regularly ignored. As a result, Primo executives need to decide whether to continue operations in China.

Which of the following is MOST relevant to
the decision by Primo to remain in China?

A. The extent of effect that bribery has on decisions made by Primo's
global managers in China

B. The methods of dealing with the hazardous waste created by Primo's China
manufacturing facility

C. The benefits that the local Chinese community might have

D. The changes that need to be made by Primo managers to show more respect
for the Chinese culture



McDonald's, a fast food chain headquartered in the United States, applies the morality it practices in the United States to all foreign countries in which it operates. McDonald's is adhering to:

A. moral universalism.

B. ethical relativism.

C. geocentrism.

D. ethnocentrism.




BZ480 Online Exam 2


All of the following are value dimensions proposed by Hofstede EXCEPT:

A. uncertainty avoidance.

B. assertiveness.

C. power distance.

D. individualism.



Managers from Singapore, New Zealand, and Hong Kong tend to take initiative and have a sense of urgency, and the confidence to get things done. According to the GLOBE project, such managers score high on the cultural dimension of:

A. humane orientation.

B. future orientation.

C. performance orientation.

D. assertiveness.



Which of the following is true of the way Arabs view time?

A. Deadlines and firm commitments are crucial to Arabs.

B. Arabs view time as a valuable and limited resource.

C. Arabs believe important decisions cannot be rushed.

D. Arabs honor deadlines by all means.



International managers can benefit greatly from cultural sensitivity because it:

A. enables them to develop appropriate policies.

B. enables them to understand cultures better, by using stereotypes.

C. helps them protect the organization from outside influences.

D. helps them increase the long-term orientation of the organization.



Which of the following factors primarily determines how the Internet is used in different countries?

A. Local connection speeds

B. Availability of personal computer parlors

C. Local attitude to information privacy

D. Extent of intercultural communication systems



Which of the following factors can cause changes in traditional, non-Western societies?

A. Media exposure

B. Religious activities

C. Stereotyping

D. Self-reference criterion



Which of the following is likely to cause offense in Saudi Arabia?

A. Introducing business subjects too soon

B. Intolerance toward employees and coworkers

C. Failure to make decisions with a long-term perspective

D. Discrimination based on gender



Cultural sensitivity is also known as cultural:

A. empathy.

B. intelligence.

C. quotient.

D. diffusion.



Which of the following subsystems is most likely to underlie both moral and economic norms?

A. Kinship system

B. Political system

C. Religious system

D. Education system



Which of the following is NOT categorized as a sociocultural variable of culture?

A. Religion

B. Economy

C. Education

D. Language



Which of the following is true of the attitude toward work in Mexican culture?

A. Work is a sacred duty.

B. Group harmony at work is essential to success.

C. Workers are primarily focused on the future.

D. Leisure time is more important than work.



Stereotyping should most likely be avoided by international managers because:

A. current variables of culture are grossly inaccurate.

B. many cultures have diverse subcultures.

C. many countries outlaw the practice.

D. national culture is nonexistent.



An international manager can best develop an understanding of a particular culture by:

A. creating a cultural profile for that country or region in which the firm does business.

B. assuming that his or her own cultural styles and practices can be successfully followed in the host country.

C. using stereotypes to develop cross-cultural understanding in a business setting.

D. hiring locals rather than expatriates for management positions in overseas subsidiaries.



Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of the Arab culture?

A. Open admission of mistakes

B. Indirect communication style

C. Emphasis on hospitality

D. Five times a day prayer pattern



According to the GLOBE project, which of the following cultural dimensions refers to how much people in a society are expected to be tough, confrontational, and competitive versus modest and tender?

A. Humane orientation

B. Assertiveness

C. Future orientation

D. Performance orientation



Which of the following is a primary characteristic of masculine societies?

A. Assertiveness

B. Emphasis on group achievements

C. Tight social frameworks

D. Lack of gender bias



Globalization, in all its forms of personal and business contacts and information crossing borders, brings about changes that result in:

A. cultural diffusion.

B. multicultural sensitivity.

C. cultural accommodation.

D. multicultural incrementalism.



Which of the following represents the expectations, norms, and goals held in common by members of a specific company or group?

A. Cultural variable

B. Societal culture

C. Organizational culture

D. Organizational system



Based on Trompenaars's value dimensions, which of the following is a characteristic of the particularistic approach? Objective: 2

A. Application of rules and systems

B. Open expression of emotions

C. Obligation toward relationships

D. Opportunity to achieve status



According to contingency management, international managers need to:

A. transfer home-country business practices to the local environment.

B. adapt their management styles to the local setting and people.

C. determine the extent to which locals will accept unequal power.

D. provide training to locals before transferring new technology.



BZ480 Online Exam 3


During a business meeting in the United States, a relaxed posture is acceptable, but in Europe or Asia such body language would most likely be interpreted as:

A. personal space invasion.

B. rudeness.

C. curiosity.

D. reluctance.



Which of the following tips is most likely to lead to effective intercultural communication?

A. Avoid being culturally sensitive over the Internet, as it might result in discrimination.

B. It is always better to use long and descriptive sentences.

C. Messages need to be encoded carefully.

D. Communication processes should be made quicker by removing feedback systems.



Which of the following statements is true regarding a negotiation process?

A. The negotiation process consists of six different stages.

B. The stages of the negotiation process are distinctly separate.

C. The concession and agreement stage typically occurs before the preparation stage.

D. The cultural norms of the place determine the order of the negotiation process stages.



Which of the following is a typical characteristic of a Japanese work group?

A. Open expression of conflicts

B. Decision making based on a patient, long-term perspective

C. Lack of cooperation

D. Lack of mutual confidence



Which of the following is the primary cause of noise in the communication process?

A. A lack of cultural empathy

B. Ineffective listening skills

C. The technology used in the medium of communication

D. The difference between two individuals' life space



Which of the following is a cultural variable in the communication process?

A. Location

B. Attitude

C. Technology

D. Communication medium



Interaction posture is best defined as the:

A. tendency to contradict the beliefs of others.

B. understanding and modeling of local proxemics.

C. ability to respond to others in a nonjudgmental way.

D. capacity to be flexible to promote group communication.



Which of the following types of decision making is generally used in China, Germany, Turkey, and India?

A. Participative

B. Autocratic

C. Totalitarian

D. Theocratic



Phil sent an email requesting Mel to join him in the conference room at 2 P.M. and to bring the final report on the building's floor plans. However, Mel's personal secretary skips reading the entire email and just informs Mel to join Phil in the conference room at 2 P.M. This is an example of:

A. ambiguity.

B. divergence.

C. noise.

D. feedback.



Which of the following is most likely to be a reason for ineffective international business negotiations?

A. Differences in cultural values and problem-solving techniques

B. Highly restrictive government legislations

C. Lack of socializing with the opposite party

D. Lack of nonverbal communication



Jerry, representing a U.S firm, is sent to Saudi Arabia to negotiate his company's contracts. Which of the following should Jerry keep in mind when negotiating with the Arabs?

A. Business should be conducted personally and not via telephone or email.

B. Arabs value time, and deadlines are to be kept at all costs.

C. Be explicit and express doubts wherever the subject's feasibility comes into question.

D. Get to the point when presenting and negotiating.



Which of the following is a true statement regarding kinesic behavior?

A. Facial expressions have the same meaning across cultures.

B. Minor variations in body language are insignificant.

C. Hand gestures are universally interpreted.

D. The meaning of body movements varies by culture.



Communication to managers is of vital importance because it:

A. demonstrates the manager's depth of knowledge.

B. immediately results in an increase of revenue.

C. indicates technological advancement.

D. greatly helps in negotiating future plans.



In an interview, a British journalist asked a German athlete, "Are you a typical German?" When asked to clarify, the journalist explained that a typical German loved machines, worked hard, and was dependable. This is an example of:

A. cultural noise.

B. discrimination.

C. kinesic behavior.

D. stereotyping.



What forms the basis for the enforcement of most business contracts in Mexico and China?

A. Legal systems

B. Scientific research

C. Personal commitments to individuals

D. International regulations



Which of the following is true about Japanese negotiators?

A. Personal benefit is the ultimate aim of the Japanese negotiators.

B. Japanese negotiators are often impulsive and make decisions spontaneously.

C. Japanese negotiators are outwardly expressive and take conflicts personally.

D. Japanese negotiators are calm and patient, and accustomed to long, detailed negotiating sessions



From an American perspective, the __________ stage of negotiation is straightforward, objective, efficient, and direct.

A. relationship building

B. exchanging task-related information

C. nonverbal communication

D. motivation



American managers believe strongly in self-determination and perceive problem situations as something they can change. This shows that they:

A. belong to a high-context culture.

B. believe in socialism.

C. have internal locus of control.

D. belong to a high power distance culture.



What is the best method for avoiding miscommunication?

A. Taking detailed notes of the messages

B. Learning foreign phrases and idioms

C. Practicing projective listening

D. Relying on technology to interpret meanings



Which of the following cultures views formal contracts as insulting and wasteful, and prefers to make agreements based on mutual understanding and trust?

A. Swedes

B. Japanese

C. Russians

D. Americans



Roch, a Swiss chocolate company, recently opened a manufacturing unit in Spain. The purpose of this move was that Roch wanted to avoid Spain's high import tariffs. Which of the following reasons prompted Roch to open the manufacturing unit in Spain?

A. Customer demands

B. Trade barriers

C. Globalization of competitors

D. Growth opportunities


BZ480 Online Exam 5


Which of the following terms refers to the basic means by which a company competes?

A. Mission

B. Procedure

C. Strategy

D. Process



The primary motive in the contract manufacturing strategy is:

A. utilizing inexpensive overseas labor.

B. obtaining rights to patented technology.

C. sharing managerial expertise.

D. sharing financial resources.




Which of the following statements is true of the strategic formulation process?

A. The global strategic formulation process is completely independent of the process followed in domestic companies.

B. The strategic formulation process is part of the strategic management process in which most firms engage, either formally or informally.

C. Strategic formulation consists of four defined stages that occur in a consecutive order.

D. Most firms operate on planning cycles of one or two years with periodic strategy reviews.



Which of the following charts the direction of the company and provides a basis for strategic decision making?

A. Environmental assessment

B. Corporate structure

C. Organizational mission

D. SWOT analysis



Restrictive trade barriers most likely influence the globalization of businesses by encouraging firms to:

A. develop joint ventures with local firms.

B. import supplies from foreign vendors.

C. expand the exportation of raw materials.

D. switch from exporting to overseas manufacturing.



Dell is an American corporation that deals with computer technology. With its worldwide sourcing and fully merged production and marketing system, Dell is considered to be a:

A. greenfield investment.

B. turnkey operation.

C. shell corporation.

D. globally integrated company.



Jamie decides to plan his strategies for starting an electric equipment manufacturing company. His main aim is to ensure that it runs efficiently. He decides to do this in two phases: the planning phase and the implementation phase. Which of the following processes is Jamie employing?

A. Retrenchment

B. Organizational restructuring

C. Strategic management

D. Globalization


Which of the following is the most likely result of regulations and restrictions enforced by a firm's home government that prove to be expensive for the firm's operations?

A. The firm searches for less restrictive operating environments overseas

B. The firm responds to customers' demands more promptly

C. The firm becomes entangled in lengthy litigation

D. The firm expands its domestic operations



Futura-Core Technologies, an electronics manufacturing firm, has advantages in financial capability and sustainability, but a disadvantage in speed of innovation. It is also at a disadvantage relative to Core-Dynamix Technologies, another electronics manufacturing firm, in important factors such as manufacturing capability and adaptability to market conditions. Which of the following terms best describes Futura-Core's abilities in comparison to Core-Dynamix?

A. Comparative advantage

B. Collective bargaining

C. Competitive advantage

D. Absolute advantage



Due to the high demand for its handmade soaps in Canada, Fragrance Exotica, an Indian Soap manufacturer, has decided to open a new manufacturing unit in Canada, thereby expanding overseas. In this scenario, which of the following reasons prompted Fragrance Exotica to set up a manufacturing unit overseas?

A. Trade barriers

B. Manufacturer demands

C. Customer demands

D. Tax incentives



Which of the following entry strategies is most likely to serve as a short-term strategy and to provide limited income?

A. Joint venture

B. Management contract

C. Offshoring

D. Fully owned subsidiary



Which of the following would most likely be categorized as a global financial objective of an international firm?

A. Foreign-exchange management

B. Long-term profit growth

C. Quality and cost control

D. Company market share



Which of the following strategies would a non-European company most likely use if it wanted to gain quick entry inside the European community?

A. International joint venture

B. Greenfield investment

C. Turnkey operation

D. Offshoring


Which of the following is the most common reactive reason for a firm to extend its operations overseas?

A. Tax incentives

B. Economies of scale

C. Globalization of competitors

D. Resource access and cost savings



At which three levels should firms ideally perform global environmental analysis?

A. Product, domestic market, and consumer

B. Multinational, regional, and local

C. Operational, tactical, and top management

D. Innovation, production, and local distribution



Which of the following is the proactive reason that prompts firms to expand overseas?

A. Avoiding restrictive trade barriers

B. Solving logistics-related problems

C. Responding to foreign competition

D. Seeking economies of scale



The first broad scan of all potential world markets should result in the firm being able to:

A. identify the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors.

B. eliminate markets with unreasonable entry conditions.

C. determine the best sources for raw materials.

D. eliminate countries with high cultural risk.



Which of the following is a national risk with regard to strategic entry scanning?

A. Energy availability and prices

B. Regional instability

C. Legal protection

D. Political turmoil



Which of the following is true with regard to direct coordinating mechanisms?

A. Expatriates from "headquarters" do not exert control over the foreign affiliate through the expectations of the national and corporate culture of the parent company.

B. Even in situations where parent control is considered less important, delegating the control to the local level is ritually avoided.

C. Direct coordinating mechanisms that provide the basis for the overall guidance and management of foreign operations include the design of appropriate organizational structures and the use of effective staffing practices.

D. Direct coordinating mechanisms do not include staffing practices.



According to David Lei, the single greatest impediment managers face when seeking to learn or renew sources of competitive advantage is that:

A. good venture partners are hard to find.

B. technologies change very rapidly.

C. partners can become competitors.

D. governments can be fickle.



Which of the following indicates a need for change in organizational design?

A. Low turnover

B. A decrease in overseas customer complaints

C. Seamless innovation

D. New management with different goals and strategies



Which of the following is true about the matrix structure of organizational design?

A. The matrix structure is developed to combine geographic support for both global integration and local responsiveness.

B. Regional managers are solely responsible for the operations and performance of the countries within a given region.

C. In the matrix structure, communication problems, confusion, and conflict are minimal.

D. Overlapping responsibilities are absent in a matrix structure.



Organizing for global product standardization requires __________, an especially difficult task for multiproduct companies.

A. multibranding

B. vertical organizational mobility

C. seamless product development

D. centralized global product responsibility



Which of the following primarily determines the extent of control exercised over an IJV by its parent company?

A. Staffing choices for top IJV positions

B. Policies of the smaller firm

C. Cultural background

D. IJV industry



Nimbus Inc. is a hybrid organization. The organizational structure of the company has been developed to combine geographic support for both global integration and local responsiveness. Nimbus is not a hierarchical organization and uses cross-functional teams to quickly adapt to the dynamic business environment.

If the above information is
true, which of the following can be fittingly inferred?

A. Nimbus has only a few SBUs.

B. Nimbus has a matrix structure.

C. Nimbus is a born global.

D. Nimbus does not favor standardization of its products.



Which of the following is true with regard to the global geographic structure?

A. With the geographic structure, the focus is on importing.

B. Marketing-oriented companies are most likely to opt for this structure.

C. The geographic structure is not an adequate structure for consolidating regional expertise.

D. In a geographic structure, problems of coordination across different regions are virtually nonexistent.



NextLinx Corporation provides a wide range of strategic implementation services for small- and medium-sized organizations. It allows all trading partners to collaborate in a single online location, using the same information and processes. Therefore, NextLinx is an example of a(n):

A. e-commerce enabler.

B. knowledge management firm.

C. IJV controller.

D. outsourcing company.


Trout Corp., Kirgo Ltd., and Sturgeon Inc., three of the leading construction companies in the U.S., have decided to join hands and create a new cement manufacturing company. According to their agreement, Trout Corp. will have 50 percent equity, Kirgo Ltd. will have 20 percent equity, and Sturgeon Inc. will have 30 percent equity. In this given scenario, Sturgeon Inc. is referred to as a(n):

A. minority JV partner.

B. majority JV partner.

C. sole proprietor.

D. franchisor.



In their rush to get on the globalization bandwagon, too many firms have:

A. opted for niche marketing.

B. sacrificed the ability to respond to local market structures and consumer preferences.

C. overly focused on local markets at the cost of losing out on market share abroad.

D. wrongly overestimated the importance of mass customization for the global market.



In order to minimize potential problems in alliances, companies should most likely choose partners with:

A. competitively sensitive technology.

B. complementary products and skills.

C. significant control of the target market.

D. superior bargaining power in the same industry.



International joint ventures are less likely to break up when:

A. issues are settled before the merger.

B. new policies are created after the merger.

C. one partner has all the decision-making autonomy and the other has none.

D. each firm explicitly states its actions and requirements after the merger.


Overlooking cultural differences in cross-border alliances can create a negative impact when target country:

A. has similar views on organizational formality.

B. and host country equally participate in decision making.

C. is technologically superior to the host country.

D. has conflicting practices and systems.



Managers choose the manufacturing location for each product based on where the best combination of cost, quality, and technology can be attained in order to achieve:

A. customer loyalty.

B. integration.

C. segregation.

D. rationalization.



Papillion Inc. is a small American high-technology firm that has been successfully competing in the international business arena from its inception two years ago. Instead of internationalizing slowly, Papillion embarked upon an ambitious plan to leverage niche market opportunities worldwide—right from the beginning. Papillion Inc. exemplifies the __________ phenomenon.

A. born-global

B. subordinateship

C. outsourcing

D. insourcing



According to the __________ model, as the company becomes larger, more complex, and more sophisticated in its approach to world markets, it may evolve into a transnational corporation.

A. four stages of contribution

B. crowdsourcing

C. matrix

D. evolutionary stages



All of the following are cooperative aspects of strategic alliances EXCEPT:

A. creating economies of scale in tangible assets.

B. forming upstream–downstream divisions of labor.

C. limiting investment risks through shared resources.

D. learning new intangible skills from alliance partners.



In spite of the potential problems with local partners, many firms rush the process of partner selection because they:

A. want to reduce the amount spent on establishing subsidiaries abroad

B. want to take advantage of the local partner's technological innovations.

C. mostly aim at increasing the number of equity shares within a short period of time.

D. are anxious to get into an attractive market.



The initial challenge in implementing strategies in emerging markets is likely to be how to:

A. compete with other emerging markets.

B. allocate responsibilities between the partners.

C. set up new policies and regulations.

D. navigate poor infrastructures.



Offshoring provides the company with access to foreign markets while avoiding:

A. relocation of the company to other countries.

B. competition between companies in the global market.

C. trade risks.

D. trade barriers.



Roch, a Swiss chocolate company, recently opened a manufacturing unit in Spain. The purpose of this move was that Roch wanted to avoid Spain's high import tariffs. Which of the following reasons prompted Roch to open the manufacturing unit in Spain?

A. Customer demands

B. Trade barriers

C. Globalization of competitors

D. Growth opportunities


BZ480 Online Exam 7


Most MNCs tend to start their operations in a particular region by selecting primarily from their own pool of managers. Over time, and with increasing internationalization, they tend to move to a predominantly polycentric or regiocentric policy because of the:

A. lack of governmental support for hiring locals.

B. inefficiencies of expatriate managers.

C. poor performance of subsidiaries.

D. greater costs of expatriate staffing.



Relocation expense is an example of a(n):

A. salary.

B. tax.

C. allowance.

D. benefit.



Which of the following factors will hinder the integration of expatriate staff with local staff?

A. Knowledge sharing

B. Headquarters mentality

C. Overseas experience

D. Cultural flexibility



Which of the following can be termed as a benefit in the context of expatriate compensation?

A. Relocation expenses

B. Cost-of-living adjustments

C. Health insurance

D. Private education for children



Felix Department Store has over 900 stores in the U.S. and over 300 stores in Mexico and Canada. Felix has been particularly successful in Mexico, and the firm's executives believe Felix should expand into other Latin American countries. As a result, plans are underway for the
construction of a new Felix store in Managua, Nicaragua. The
construction, once started, is expected to be completed within a year,
so staff selection needs to begin soon. Felix's executives are
considering the idea of using parent-country nationals to manage the new
store in Nicaragua.

Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that parent-country nationals should manage the Felix store in
Managua, Nicaragua?

A. Felix encourages employees to participate in community outreach programs.

B. The top management of Felix is unlikely to endorse the recruitment of
cheap, incompetent workers.

C. Felix wants to maintain close control of the Nicaragua store for at
least three years.

D. Felix's managers in Nicaragua will choose what items to stock based on
local needs and customs.



Which of the following most likely occurs when a manager is transferred to another part of the country where there are significant cultural differences?

A. Subculture shock

B. Culture shock

C. Expatriation

D. Repatriation



Which of the following is true with regard to training and compensating host-country nationals?

A. HCNs are rarely offered training in global business and Internet technology within their home corporations.

B. The traditional lifetime employment and guaranteed tidy pension of the East are being increasingly adopted by the West.

C. Many multinationals wish to train their employees to bridge the divide between the firm's successful corporate culture and practices, and the local culture and work practices.

D. In contemporary times, MNCs rarely have a global pay strategy in place.



Which of the following is an advantage of the polycentric staffing approach?

A. Home-country managers gain valuable overseas management experience.

B. Coordination between the subsidiary and the parent company is simplified.

C. Local managers tend to be instrumental in staving off or more effectively dealing with problems in sensitive political situations.

D. The local managers have no conflicting loyalties.



The __________ is often used to equalize the standard of living between the host country and the home country, and to add some compensation for inconvenience or qualitative loss.

A. localization approach

B. balance sheet approach

C. relocation strategy

D. going-rate approach



Which of the following methods is used by many firms to reduce the overall costs of expatriate assignments?

A. Extending the expatriate's tour

B. Encouraging expatriates to visit their home country frequently

C. Standardizing global compensation

D. Implementing global benefits policies



Joan Kerry, an American national, worked as a senior manager in her firm's headquarters in New Jersey. When her firm opened a new office in San Francisco, she was transferred to California. Soon, she started feeling like an immigrant in her own country owing to the differences in attitudes and lifestyle between New Jersey and California. Joan is most likely experiencing:

A. segregation.

B. subculture shock.

C. social distance.

D. power distance.



Which of the following terms is increasingly replacing the term "expatriate" due to the global staffing approach?

A. Repatriate

B. Global manager

C. Transpatriate

D. Line manager



Local managers are hired to fill key positions in their own country under the __________ staffing approach.

A. global

B. polycentric

C. ethnocentric

D. xenocentric



Which of the following is the final stage of the IHRM process that is used to maximize the effectiveness of expatriate assignments?

A. Selection of expatriate

B. Debriefing expatriate and family to improve IHRM process

C. Development of contract

D. Assessment of development and support needs



Kelly Roberts, an American, is a senior manager at her firm's headquarters in New York. Kelly is a(n):

A. expatriate.

B. parent-country national.

C. host-country national.

D. third-country national.



Who, among the following, when used to manage subsidiaries, usually brings more cultural flexibility and adaptability to a situation?

A. Parent-country nationals

B. Home-country nationals

C. Managers with minimal global exposure

D. Third-country nationals



Fred Sanders, an American, works as a manager at his firm's headquarters in New York. He recently learned that he has been assigned to manage the firm's subsidiary office in Tokyo, and he will be relocating to Japan within the next six weeks. Which of the following staffing approaches is being employed in this scenario?

A. Polycentric

B. Regiocentric

C. Global

D. Ethnocentric



Simon Parker, an American, works with a Houston-based MNC, Orpheus Inc. When he was sent to Africa to manage his company's newly-opened facility in Lagos, Nigeria, Simon was placed with Mr. Adeyami and his family as part of a familiarization program. Orpheus paid for this field experience known as:

A. repatriation.

B. language training.

C. host-family surrogate.

D. immersion group analytics.



The concept of "keeping the expatriate whole" in terms of compensation most likely means ensuring that the expatriate's:

A. family is prepared for the overseas assignment.

B. health insurance coverage is globally accepted.

C. foreign and domestic taxes are paid in a timely manner.

D. standard of living is at par with that of colleagues at home.



__________ is the first stage in a comprehensive plan for developing expatriates.

A. Assessing development and support needs

B. Integration of the value added to the firm

C. Development of a contract

D. Problem recognition


BZ480 Online Exam 8


Which of the following is true with regard to virtual teams?

A. Advances in communication hinder virtual global teams.

B. Virtual teams do not offer cost advantages.

C. Cultural misunderstandings are fairly rare occurrences across virtual teams.

D. The members of virtual teams interact through computer-mediated communication systems.



Research on expatriate assignments continues to show that:

A. the number of dual-career couples is steadily declining.

B. linking rewards to team performance decreases the overall productivity of teams in the long run.

C. females are disproportionately underrepresented in expatriate assignments.

D. encouraging trial-and-error processes adversely affects cross-cultural collaboration.



Neil Grahams is a strategic HR advisor in an American MNC. He believes that in today's globalized economy, both the knowledge and management resources as well as the skilled and unskilled employee resources, central to the success of an organization, are dispersed around the world. According to him, an organization can significantly improve global competitiveness by maximizing its global human resources in the long run. With which of the following is Neil most likely to agree?

A. Maximizing long-term retention adversely affects the ability of an organization to maximize its global human resources in the long run.

B. IHR managers must develop effective global management teams to improve global competitiveness.

C. Women have little or no role to play in international management.

D. The use of international cadre through career management is unlikely to improve global competitiveness




Which of the following must an international team avoid if it wants to achieve the individual and collective goals of the team members?

A. Developing a global perspective

B. Providing means to communicate corporate culture

C. Causing the global enterprise to disintegrate

D. Disseminating the corporate culture


Overall, more managerial opportunities are available for __________ women than for women in most other countries.

A. Russian

B. Chinese

C. Arabian

D. American



__________ is optimized when career opportunities provided by the organization are congruent with repatriate career goals and aspirations.

A. Team management

B. Organizational efficiency

C. Productivity

D. Knowledge transfer



Which of the following is an advantage of a synergy?

A. Minimized cross-cultural exchanges

B. Exposure to different viewpoints

C. Greater complexity in the workplace

D. Varying managerial styles


Which of the following is NOT an operational challenge for global virtual teams?

A. Organizational objectives

B. Geographic dispersal

C. Culture differences

D. Technology



Which of the following refers to a force that favors global convergence?

A. Technological standardization

B. Political ideology

C. Social systems

D. National labor relations systems and traditions



Which of the following terms refers to the participation of labor in the management of a firm?

A. Codetermination

B. Parochialism

C. Assimilation

D. Differentiation



For sharing resources and managing the transnational transfer of knowledge, it is essential for MNCs to maximize their human assets in the form of __________ management teams.

A. virtual

B. regional

C. niche

D. global



For companies to maximize the long-term use of their global cadre, they need to make sure that:

A. cross-cultural entry and training are given far more importance than managing the reentry phase of the career cycle.

B. the foreign assignment and the reintegration process are positive experiences.

C. the potential effects of reverse culture shock are maximized.

D. communication with the home office is minimized.



A repatriated manager says, "I learned to understand situations from the viewpoint of local employees and businesspeople when I worked overseas." Which of the following acquired skills is the manager referring to in this instance?

A. Technical skills

B. Multiple perspectives

C. Managerial skills

D. Tolerance for ambiguity



Jeff Richards works for an American MNC. For more than 10 years, Jeff was posted in the company's subsidiary in Ghana. Upon returning to his home country a few months ago, Jeff reported that his international experience had substantially enhanced his skills of making decisions with less information and more uncertainty about the outcome. In this instance, Jeff alludes to which of the following acquired skills?

A. Tolerance for ambiguity

B. Technical skills

C. Managerial skills

D. Multiple perspectives



Lauryn, an American national, was sent to Japan on an assignment. According to her, it was during this time that she learned to understand situations from the viewpoint of local employees and business people. As an expatriate, which of the following skills did Lauryn attain?

A. Multiple perspectives

B. Ability to work with others

C. Tolerance for ambiguity

D. Technical skills



There are various categories of resources—both people and processes—which IHR managers and others must develop and maintain; in particular it is essential for them to:

A. minimize long-term retention and use of international cadre.

B. develop culturally homogeneous teams.

C. develop effective global management teams.

D. consider host-country labor relations system as essentially anarchic.



One of the main dimensions of the labor-management relationship that a manager must consider is:

A. specific human resource policies in terms of recruitment, training, and compensation.

B. the role of mentoring bodies in the relationship.

C. advertising and promotional strategies.

D. repatriation policies and procedures.



The reasons for the different opportunities for women among various countries can often be traced to the:

A. inadequate education systems of the host countries.

B. cultural expectations of the host countries.

C. predominantly agricultural economies of the host countries.

D. lack of adequate technology in the host countries.



__________ are all about learning how to deal with a wide range of people, to adapt to their cultures through compromise, and not to be a dictator.

A. Multiple perspectives

B. Tolerance levels

C. Technical skills

D. Managerial skills



Which of the following is true with regard to Mexican workers?

A. Mexican workers need more reassurance than employees in the U.S.

B. Mexican workers tend to emphasize work over family.

C. The incidence of absenteeism is substantially low among Mexican workers.

D. Pure business relationships are highly regarded by Mexican workers


For most people, the basic meaning of work is tied to:

A. self-actualization needs.

B. subordinateship.

C. group membership.

D. economic necessity.



Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize workers in the Mexican culture?

A. They rank high on collectivism.

B. They rank high on power distance.

C. They rank low on individualism.

D. They rank low on uncertainty avoidance.



In the Middle East, __________ plays a major role in all aspects of life, including work.

A. religion

B. materialism

C. individualism

D. leisure



Work centrality refers to:

A. the division of work roles between men and women in a given society.

B. the degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time.

C. the concentration of work networks in a given region.

D. employee attitudes toward leaders.



Which of the following refers to a cultural variable that shapes the content of a leadership situation?

A. Elasticity of demand

B. Level of risk

C. Productivity

D. Work norms



Low power distance implies that:

A. people would be more likely to prefer an autocratic leadership style.

B. most people would be more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles.

C. people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peers.

D. most people would be more comfortable with a clear distinction between managers and subordinates rather than with a blurring of decision-making responsibility.



Which of the following is true with regard to Japanese workers?

A. Japanese workers consider work to be less important in their lives compared to leisure.

B. Japanese workers are typically lazy and are not dedicated to group goals.

C. Japanese workers typically feel strong kinship to their employers.

D. Japanese workers do not consider friendship to be an integral part of the workplace.



A study of average work hours in various countries conducted by Steers found that __________ worked longer hours and took fewer vacation days.

A. Koreans

B. Japanese

C. British

D. Indonesians



Which of the following is NOT one of the typical reward categories in the United States?

A. Job content

B. Cultural

C. Financial

D. Social status



Which of the following is true with regard to the global leader's role?

A. Managers on international assignments do not represent the parent firm.

B. The global leader's role comprises the interaction of two sets of variables, technology, and information.

C. The cumulative effects of one or more weak managers hardly have a significant negative impact on the ability of the organization to meet its objectives.

D. Managers on international assignments try to maximize leadership effectiveness by juggling several important, and sometimes conflicting, roles.



Which of the following is true about collectivist cultures?

A. People place high emphasis on autonomy, opportunities for personal achievements, and a work–life balance.

B. People are motivated when they feel that the company is providing them with good working conditions, fringe benefits, and training.

C. People typically opt for high pay, personal accomplishment, and job advancement.

D. People typically opt for risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.



__________ is/are the most common reasons given by Mexican workers for absenteeism and for failing to return to work.

A. Personal illness

B. Family reasons

C. Job dissatisfaction

D. Transportation costs



Blackmoor Industries is an American firm that manufactures automotive parts. Blackmoor has two manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and one in a foreign country. Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that they are having difficulty motivating their employees to meet various deadlines and production quotas.

Which of the following
undermines the argument that Blackmoor's global managers should implement a merit-based reward system to motivate individual employees?

A. Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Korea, a country
characterized by a traditional value system.

B. The employees in Blackmoor's foreign facility belong to a highly
individualistic culture.

C. Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Canada.

D. The employees in Blackmoor's foreign facility favor a democratic style
of leadership.



__________ research focused on how some people are motivated by internal aspirations and life goals, whereas others are primarily motivated by the job conditions.

A. Henry Mintzberg's

B. Henri Fayol's

C. Abraham Maslow's

D. Frederick Herzberg's



Which of the following is typical of the Mexican business culture?

A. Flat organizational structure

B. Self-leadership

C. Resistance to change

D. Bottom-up decision making



Which of the following is NOT one of the typical characteristics of a successful leader with a global mindset?

A. High flexibility

B. Personal autonomy

C. Emotional resilience

D. Low cultural quotient



Which of the following is one of the typical roles managers on international assignments must often play to enhance leadership effectiveness?

A. Representative of competing firms

B. Manager of the local firm

C. Cultural representative of the host country

D. Cultural representative of the neighboring country



With regard to transitioning economy in Russia, Russian managers primarily emphasize:

A. self-esteem.

B. job security.

C. intellectual capital.

D. self-actualization.



Which of the following helps explain why Maslow's higher-order needs are generally not very high on most Mexican workers' lists of needs?

A. An absence of free trade zones in the country

B. A low regard for family and personal relationships

C. A relatively low standard of living for most workers

D. A high rate of absenteeism in the maquiladoras



Which of the following is/are particularly important in joint ventures for the purposes of strategic planning, implementation, and production?

A. Ethnocentric hiring strategy

B. Dual-career couples

C. Multicultural teams

D. Rigid repatriation policies


Assignment 04

BZ480 International Management

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Describe the strategies of globalization and regionalization and explain when each strategy can be used effectively.  Give examples of successful companies that have followed each strategy.


Assignment 08

BZ480 International Management

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Discuss the appropriateness of using the same leadership style across all EU countries. Include in your discussion the research results for different views given in your textbook.


Provide specific, clear, and descriptive examples of how different leadership and/or motivational approaches should be considered for different countries.


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