
The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to use Microsoft Excel® for solving formulas. Managers and staff need to work with percentages daily in professional settings. Skills such as finding the percentage increase/decrease and using Excel® to convert from decimals to percentages and vice versa have become necessary. This assignment provides students with the practice of such fundamental quantitative concepts. 

Assignment Steps 

ResourcesFundamental Quantitative Concepts Exercises Excel® Template (including Grading Guide)

Save the Fundamental Quantitative Concepts Exercises Excel® Template to your computer with the file name Week1_LastnameFirstinitial.xlsx (replace "LastnameFirstinitial" with your last name and your first initial -- for example, John Smith would save his file as Week1_SmithJ.xlsx).

Review the Grading Guide on the first tab.

Read the instructions on the second tab.

Complete the ten Excel® exercises.


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