MB655 Standalone, Discussions and Activities

MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 1-1

Lesson 1: Introduction to Law and the Legal Environment of Business


Discussion Question 1 (50 points)


Explain the roles of courts of original jurisdiction and those of appellate jurisdiction. (50 points) (A 2-page response is required.)



MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 1-2

Discussion Question 2 (50 points)


Evaluate this statement: The First Amendment protected all kinds of speech equally. (50 points)  (A 2-page response is required.) Then provide two examples of the U.S. Supreme Court's position on freedom of speech as that right pertains to businesses.



MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 3-1

Lesson 3: The Law of Torts; Product and Service Liability Law; Agency Law



Discussion Question 1 (50 points)


Explain the differences between disparagement and defamation. (50 points) (2 pages)


a.       Define malice as it is used in connection with defamation.


b.      Discuss the defenses that are available to claims of disparagement and defamation.


A 2-page response is required.



MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 3-2

Lesson 3: The Law of Torts; Product and Service Liability Law; Agency Law


Discussion Question 2 (50 points)


Discuss the differences between compensatory, punitive, and nominal damages. Provide an example of punitive damages, including a citation for the case. (50 points) (2 pages)


A 2-page response is required.



MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 5-1

Lesson 5: The Employment Relationship and Immigration Laws; Laws Governing Labor-Management Relations; Employment Discrimination


Discussion Question 1 (50 points)


Please answer the following in connection with unemployment compensation and worker's compensation:


  1. Evaluate: Everyone who loses his or her job is entitled to unemployment compensation.


  1. Analyze: It is important to know whether one is an employee or an independent contractor in case the person is injured at work.


  1. Evaluate this statement: Workers' compensation legislation considers fault.


  1. Explain why someone might think this statement is true: The worker's compensation system is not always beneficial to workers.


A 2-page response is required. (50 points) (2 pages)



MB655 Business Law Discussion Question 5-2

Lesson 5: The Employment Relationship and Immigration Laws; Laws Governing Labor-Management Relations; Employment Discrimination


Discussion Question 2 (50 points)


Please answer the following regarding labor relations legislation that has been enacted over the years:


a.       Explain relationships between the Wagner Act and the Taft-Hartley Act.


b.      Evaluate this statement: The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects all American workers.


A 2-page response is required. (50 points) (2 pages)



MB655 Business Law Activity 2


MB655 Business Law


Lesson 2: Business Ethics; The International Legal Environment of Businesses; Law of Contracts



Activity 2: Case Analysis


Read the case of Hallmark Cards, Inc. v. Murley, 703 F.3d 456 (2013), found in your textbook. Prepare an analysis of the case, using the following headings to guide you. Your activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 2-page response is required.)


Part A            Parties to the Case, Facts of the Case, and Business Reasons for the Dispute


Part B            Issue to be Decided and The Analysis of the Issue by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals


Part C            Holding of the Court, The Reasons for the Holding, and The Implications for Business




MB655 Business Law Activity 4


MB655 Business Law


Lesson 4: Law and Business Associations



Activity 4: Theories of Product Liability



View the following video: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/consumer-group-demands-new-car-seat-safety-standards/.


Then read this article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-03/audi-loses-124-million-texas-verdict-over-seat-back-failure.


Based upon what you learned in Lesson 3, please do the following:


Part A            Prepare an argument that explains the theories of recovery consumers might use in similar product liability lawsuits.


Part B            The 11 year old boy in the lawsuit mentioned in the video and article above was not in a booster seat. The father, seated in the front, was not wearing a seatbelt. Explain what defenses may be available to car manufacturers when similar injuries are involved. Consult Chapters 11 and 12 of your textbook. (100 points) (2-pages required.)




MB655 Business Law Activity 6


MB655 Business Law


Lesson 6: Employment Law



Activity 6:  Employment Compliance Memo


Your company, a manufacturer and distributor of sports equipment, has grown quickly over the last few years from just a few employees to 25. There has been no time to pay attention to employment issues, but recently the president of the company has asked you to focus on the employment area and provide her information on the following.  Your activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page memo is required.)


Part A            An overview of key legal employment rules that apply to the company. Include discussion of the Fair Labor Standards Act, limitation on employment at-will, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and state discrimination laws.


Part B            Recommendations for employment practices to ensure compliance with the key legal rules. Include recommendations regarding notices, forms, employee handbooks, personnel files, disciplinary processes, training supervisors, and periodic reviews.




MB655 Business Law Stand - Alone Project


MB655 Business Law


Stand-Alone Project: Establishing a Clothing Boutique (200 points)


Part A            You and Marsha, a good friend from your college days, have decided to open a trendy clothing boutique. You have found a location that looks promising and retained legal counsel to negotiate a lease with the landlord and prepare any paperwork you might be required to register the business with the state. Unfortunately, you cannot agree on how to set up your business. Marsha favors a partnership and you prefer to incorporate. The two of you schedule an appointment with your attorney to discuss the pros and cons of each, as well as other options that the two of you may have overlooked. In table format, summarize the advice your attorney provides for a general partnership, limited liability partnership, public corporation, and sub-chapter S corporation. His advice should include: tax ramifications, control considerations, liability, ease and expense of formation, transferability of ownership, and ease of expanding the business. Consult Chapters 16 and 17 of your textbook.


Part B            You and Marsha realized after your last meeting with your attorney that you neglected to ask him about the duties you will owe each other if you decide to go with a general partnership formation. You schedule a second meeting with him. Summarize the duties and rights each of you has under a general partnership.


Part C            Visit www.mycorporation.com. Watch the following very short videos that are available: LLC v. Corporation, Where Do I Incorporate, and What's Next? Summarize the results of each video.



Part D            Marsha envisions that down the road the two of you may wish to produce your own clothing line. She wants to manufacture the garments in China or India. You have reservations about expanding your operations outside the U.S. Locate five (5) scholarly articles that are devoted to the topic of expropriation risk, including creeping expropriation. Once you have compiled your articles, draft an argument in which you take a stance for or against manufacturing your clothing outside the U.S. You must support your opinion with evidence and research. In the event the research favors a country other than China or India, discuss your reasoning. Remember to consider the advantages/disadvantages of producing clothing made and sold in the USA. Your discussions should address environmental concerns and the impact outsourcing will have on American workers. Consult all relevant chapters of your textbook. Feel free to supplement your argument with case law reviewed in the textbook or case law you unearth during the course of your research.


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