Management MCQ

1. Tuckman's five-stage model proposes that during the ________ stage, the group disbands after having accomplished its goals.

a. norming

b. adjourning

c. forming

d. storming


2. Assigning different group members different tasks to accomplish is also known as ________.

a. division of labor

b. task division

c. group split

d. sharing of work


3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a small group?

a. Division of labor expedites tasks.

b. Interactions are more frequent.

c. Information is easier to share.

d. Individual contributions are easier to recognize.


4. Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to increase as more members join a work group?

a. the number of communication problems

b. the potential for conflict

c. the number of coordination problems

d. the level of motivation


5. The New Product Research Team at Teaching Tools Co. is a small group comprised of women in their mid-thirties who graduated at the top of their classes at major state universities in the Midwest and received their MBAs at prestigious schools before they joined Teaching Tools. These women have serious family commitments and at least one child. Which of the following characteristics would you be most likely to find in this group?

a. intense infighting

b. diversity of viewpoint

c. good information sharing

d. problems with coordination

Unit 3 Examination

6. In the workplace, members of a ________ group do not have many characteristics in common.

a. homogeneous

b. homeopathic

c. heterogeneous

d. heteronymous


7. According to Thompson's model of group tasks, task ________ is the extent to which the work performed by one member affects what other group members do.

a. significance

b. relevance

c. independence

d. interdependence

8. If a group task involves ________ task interdependence, each member of the group makes a separate and independent contribution to group performance.

a. group

b. pooled

c. reciprocal

d. sequential


9. The most likely source of process losses on tasks with pooled interdependence is that group members

a. may inadvertently duplicate the efforts of other members by performing tasks that have already been completed

b. have to wait for others to finish their tasks before making a contribution

c. may not be motivated because individual contributions cannot be easily identified and rewarded

d. may overwhelm the manager because the group is too large to manage effectively


10. On tasks involving pooled interdependence, distributing rewards based on ________ is MOST

a. group performance

b. individual performance

c. projected performance

d. organizational objectives

Unit 3 Examination

11. Four employees are working together to assemble a product. April is first in the assembly line and must finish her work before the most capable worker, Stewart, can begin. Derek, who is the least capable, can only work on his part after he has received Stewart's portion. Meg, who is the final worker on the line, finishes the product after she receives Derek's work. Who will determine group performance?

a. April

b. Stewart

c. Derek

d. Meg


12. Who is most likely to support synergy?

a. Robert Copeland: "To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three people, two of whom are absent."

b. Ryunosuke Satoro: "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."

c. Author unknown: "To kill time, a committee meeting is the perfect weapon."

d. Elbert Hubbard: "A committee is a thing which takes a week to do what one good man can do in an hour."


13.          A division's ability to control contingencies ________.

a. gives the division the power to reward and punish behavior

b. means that it is the only division to have this power

c. makes the division vital to all other divisions

d. allows the division to handle sudden changes


14.          ________ power is an intense form of referent power.

a. Expert

b. Legitimate

c. Charismatic

d. Operational


15.          The sales division of a paper company has been very successful. Members have been able to increase the sale of paper by 150% in the past year. It has power in this organization because it ________.

a. has the ability to generate resources

b. reduces the distribution of organizational resources

c. monitors the behavior of the other functions

d. duplicates the tasks of the other functions


16. As the chief mechanic at Fly Hi Airlines, Mack Wild's department is the only one that has the necessary skills to repair the airline's critical cockpit electronics. The senior managers all treat Mack with respect and try to avoid criticizing him or his department because they MOST likely see Mack's department as

a. charismatic

b. irreplaceable

c. resourceful

d. ascendant



17. All of the critical operation information at the Daily Pioneer newspaper flows through the layout department. Jeffrey Sines, the head of the layout department, has a lot of power within the organization most likely because of the

a. irreplaceability of his department

b. admiration and respect of his coworkers

c. centrality of his department

d. expert power he has



18.          Although controlling resources is important in organizations, the ability to ________ them is also crucial.

a. allocate

b. generate

c. share

d. hoard


19.          An employee needs to figure out what paperwork he needs to complete to request vacation time. He would turn to the ________ network to learn this.

a. advice

b. information

c. trust

d. communication


20.          The ________ is the individual, group, or organization that needs or wants to share information with some other individual, group, or organization.

a. receiver

b. messenger

c. encoder

d. sender


21.          A message is complete when it ________.

a.     is listened to or read by the receiver and acknowledged as being received

 b. contains all the information necessary to achieve a common understanding between the sender and the receiver

c. has been shared by either speaking or writing by the sender and acknowledged by the receiver

d. provides all of the information that a sender wants to share with others


22.          A girl was throwing a party for her friends. She sent an email that said, "Come join me for a summer celebration. It will begin at 2pm and end at 5pm. We will meet at Smith's Park in Allentown to play soccer and kickball. Make sure to bring water and clothes you don't mind getting dirty. Can't wait to see your smiling faces!" Which of the following statements BEST describes the effectiveness of this email?

a. It was ineffective because although clear, it was not complete.

b. It was ineffective because it was not sent face-to-face but via email.

c. It was effective because it was verbal communication.

d. It was effective because it was clear and complete.


23.          Effective communication requires that the sender translate the message into a form that ________.

a. is free of jargon

b. conveys emotions or feelings

c. is understood by the receiver

d. has universal significance


24.          A college professor was very excited to have a specific guest visiting his class. When he introduced the guest to the class, he momentarily forgot that the students were not experts in the field of study. Consequently, he used several different acronyms to describe the guest's experiences. The students did not understand these acronyms. As a result, ________.

a. the students were probably impressed by the speaker's credentials

b. the jargon prevented effective communication

c. low information richness prevented effective communication

d. communication was likely to be effective

25.          The communication ________ is the pathway through which encoded messages are transmitted.

a. medium

b. process

c. network

d. methodology



26. ________ decisions promote well-being and do not cause harm to members of an organization or to other people affected by an organization's activities.

a. Ethical

b. Prescriptive

c. Programmed

d. Organizational

27.          A family took a summer vacation in Florida. Unfortunately for them it was unseasonably chilly and they had not brought any blankets or warm clothing. If a representativeness heuristic was

a. believe the crazy weather was a one time event and not worry about it again

b. not want to admit they made a mistake in failing to prepare for the worst

c. pack warm clothes and blankets for every future vacation no matter the destination or time of year

d. use the base rate to determine when to pack warm clothes and blankets


28. According to March and Simon, decision makers are constrained by ________, an ability to reason that is limited by the capabilities of the human mind itself.

a. cerebral myopia

b. cognitive dissonance

c. bounded rationality

d. sub-optimization


29.          ________ are the rules of thumb that help people simplify decision making.

a. Biases

b. Heuristics

c. Proclivities

d. Penchants


30.          The ________ heuristic reflects the tendency to determine the frequency of an event and its causes by how easy these events and causes are to remember.

a. frequency

b. availability

c. representative

d. anchoring and adjusting


31. The ________ heuristic reflects the tendency for people to make decisions based on adjustments from some initial amount.

a. availability

b. representative

c. recent-event

d. anchoring and adjustment

32. A large organization sells three very different items: paper, toy blocks, and books. The structure BEST suited to them would be ________ structure.

a. market

b. virtual

c. product

d. geographic


33. A tax software company has many clients from a variety of bases. Some of the clients are individuals that need software for their personal expenses, and some of the clients are large corporations. The company should use a ________ structure.

a. geographic

b. nonroutine

c. market

d. product


34.          In a(n) _________ structure, employees working in empowered teams assume the responsibility to make decisions as organizational needs dictate.

a. hybrid

b. organic

c. mechanistic

d. evolutionary

35. A(n) ________ structure is used to induce employees to behave in predictable, accountable ways.

a. hybrid

b. organic

c. stationary

d. mechanistic



36.  The catapult systems repair crew on an aircraft carrier is responsible for repairing the system that launches the aircraft from the carrier. No two repairs are alike, and because pilots' lives are at stake, quality is imperative. Repair personnel often have to develop creative solutions on the spot instead of depending on standard procedures. As a result, the MOST effective structure for the catapult systems repair crew is a(n) ________ structure.

a. organic

b. functional

c. mechanistic

d. differentiated

37.          A ________ is a group of people working together who possess similar skills or use the same kind of knowledge, tools, or techniques to perform their jobs.

a. team

b. matrix

c. function

d. division


38.          Organization A has offices that are as small as can be, whereas Organization B has offices conducive for teamwork. What is most likely to be true about the organizations?

a. Both Organization A and Organization B value economy.

b. Both Organization A and Organization B value innovation.

c. Organization A values economy. Organization B values innovation.

d. Organization A values innovation. Organization B values economy.


39. Stories about organizational ________ provide important clues about cultural values and norms.

a.     myths


c.     conquests

d.    sponsorships

40.          Dwayne is a new employee at Draco's Tool Corporation. Before Dwayne can stop being seen as an outsider to long-time employees, Dwayne must ________.

a. participate in two rites of passage and one rite of integration

b. observe behaviors of long-time employees and follow the norms

c. work at the company for at least one month

d. be invited to lunch by at least two long-time employees


41. Which scenario BEST displays how employees gain insights into the norms of a company through stories?

a. An employee is fired because she shared rumors that other employees were fired for coming to work late.

b. A store has a policy that if an employee comes to work late more than twice without an acceptable excuse the employee will be fired.

c. A co-worker tells a new employee about a previous employee who was fired because she arrived at work late every day.

d. On a monthly basis employees receive notification from the central office that they will be dismissed if they come to work late.

42.          Which of the following does NOT make a major contribution to a company's culture?

a. company's clients and vendors

b. people within the company

c. ethics of the company

d. company's organizational structure

43.          ________ pertain to the moral values, beliefs, and rules that establish the appropriate way for an organization and its members to deal with each other and with people outside of the organization.

a. Instrumental behaviors

b. Organizational ethics

c. Operational preferences

d. Organizational schemas

44. If a manager is using a business process what question is he most likely to ask?

a. How can I better motivate my employees?

b. What are our clients' needs and wants?

c. What techniques are most effective to ensure smooth relationships amongst co-workers?

d. How can we increase profits while selling a lower-quality product?


45. ________ is an ongoing and constant effort by all of an organization's functions to find new ways to improve the quality of its goods and services.

a. Reengineering

b. Restructuring

c. Total quality management

d. Socio-technical systemization


46. ________ involve groups of employees who meet regularly to discuss the way work is performed in order to find new ways to improve performance.

a. Focus groups

b. Quality circles

c. Ad hoc teams

d. Sensitivity sessions


47. A company makes cheap clothing for everyday use. Top managers feel they can make more money if they make higher quality clothing that could be used for business as well as

a. identify possible impediments to change that they will encounter as they go about making changes

b. determine if the changes are effective

c. look for other problems to change within the company

d. form a quality circle


48. Which is least likely to support the successful implementation the TQM

a. empowering employees to make decisions

b. managers acting as facilitators

c. decentralizing decision making

d. supporting command and control model


49.  Some companies have abandoned their attempts at TQM because it ________.

a. produces results too fast

b. has a poor track record of success

c. requires too much commitment over a long period of time

d. provides quick initial returns but no guidance for organizational growth


50.  An owner knows that his organization can save a lot of money and produce a better product if specific changes are made. He knows that the employees will not partake in the change themselves. He would have the MOST success if he implemented ________.

a. bottom-up change

b. top-down change

c. process consulting

d. external consulting


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