BU490 Online Exam 1, 2 and 3

Question 1 (5 points)

_______ refers to the reasoning process by which human behaviors, institutions, or policies are judged to be in accordance with or in violation of moral standards.
Question 1 options:

a) Critical thinking

b) Ethical evaluation

c) Interpersonal concordance

d) Moral reasoning

Question 2 (5 points)

_______ consists of all those methods, processes, and tools that humans invent to manipulate and control their environment.
Question 2 options:

a) Operations

b) Capital knowledge

c) Corporate capability

d) Technology

Question 3 (5 points)

What are the two stages within the first level (Preconventional level) of Kohlberg's Three Levels of Moral Development?
Question 3 options:

a) punishment and obedience orientation; instrumental and relative orientation

b) interpersonal concordance orientation; law and order orientation

c) social contract orientation; universal moral principles orientation

d) microsocial norm orientation; interpersonal concordance orientation

Question 4 (5 points)

Richard Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth, was convicted of:
Question 4 options:

a) Defrauding Medicare & falsifying reports

b) Stealing company property

c) Bribery, conspiracy and mail fraud

d) Bigamy

Question 5 (5 points)

Why do many Ivory Coast cocoa farmers use young boys as slave labor?
Question 5 options:

a) It is the cheapest farming method, and the farmers are only interested in their huge profits.

b) There are no other people available to work the land in such remote areas due to civil war.

c) The farmers have no control over their selling prices due to middlemen, so some resort to child labor to cut costs.

d) The chocolate companies force them to use child labor.

Question 6 (5 points)

_______ are those norms that differ from one community to another and that should be applied to people only if their community accepts those particular norms.
Question 6 options:

a) Cultural norms

b) Microsocial norms

c) Hypernorms

d) Ethical norms

Question 7 (5 points)

Carol Gilligan criticizes Kohlberg's theory on the basis of what?
Question 7 options:

a) Not all societies implicitly teach right and wrong.

b) His theory did not include people from other cultures.

c) His theory did not include different age groups.

d) His theory was based mostly on male subjects.

Question 8 (5 points)

__________ consist of moral standards that should be applied to people in all societies.
Question 8 options:

a) Conventional norms

b) Ethical requirements

c) Hypernorms

d) Microsocial norms

Question 9 (5 points)

The term for the worldwide process by which the economic and social systems of nations become connected is called:
Question 9 options:

a) connectivity.

b) internationalization.

c) multinationalism.

d) globalization.

Question 10 (5 points)

What is "stakeholder theory?"
Question 10 options:

a) Corporate managers are obligated only to the shareholders, and no one else, because they own the corporation.

b) Corporate managers are obligated only to the customers, and no one else, because they are the lifeblood of the corporation.

c) Corporate managers should consider everyone, including outside interests, when making a decision.

d) Corporate managers should consider all groups or individuals who can affect the achievement of an organization's objectives.

Question 11 (5 points)

_______ attempt(s) to explain the world without reaching any conclusions about whether the world is as it ought to be.
Question 11 options:

a) Ethics

b) A descriptive study

c) Social responsibility

d) Moral standards

Question 12 (5 points)

In the Integrative Social Contracts Theory, what is the term for moral standards that should be applied to people in all societies?
Question 12 options:

a) social norms

b) microsocial norms

c) hypernorms

d) macrosocial norms

Question 13 (5 points)

The ISCT framework describes two kinds of moral standards: hypernorms and microsocial norms. What does ISCT stand for?
Question 13 options:

a) Implicit Social Cognitive Transition

b) Integrative Social Contracts Theory

c) International Social Consensus Theory

d) Integral Society Cognition Theory

Question 14 (5 points)

At this first post-conventional stage, the person becomes aware that people hold a variety of conflicting personal views and opinions and emphasizes fair ways of reaching consensus by agreement, contract, and due process.
Question 14 options:

a) Social Contract Orientation

b) Universal Ethical Principles Orientation

c) Interpersonal Concordance Orientation

d) Law and Order Orientation

Question 15 (5 points)

What is the theory of ethical relativism?
Question 15 options:

a) the theory that there are universal ethical standards that people should adhere to

b) the theory that there are no ethical standards whatsoever

c) the theory that ethical standards are dependent on each particular culture

d) the theory that ethical standards are dependent on the culture's level of technology and advancement

Question 16 (5 points)

What does the "Loyal Agent Argument" state?
Question 16 options:

a) An employer would want to be served in whatever ways will advance his or her self-interests.

b) A customer expects to be served in whatever ways will ensure their loyalty to the company or brand.

c) An employee has a duty only to themselves as a loyal agent, and nobody else.

d) Companies will not waste time serving ethical needs because acting ethically does not advance their self-interests.

Question 17 (5 points)

What is an example of a microsocial norm?
Question 17 options:

a) prohibition of murder

b) prohibition of alcohol

c) prohibition of torture

d) prohibition of stealing

Question 18 (5 points)

How do we stimulate moral development in ourselves?
Question 18 options:

a) experience difficult ethical decisions ourselves

b) engage in interaction and discussion of moral issues with people around us

c) read about how others have dealt with ethical decisions

d) avoid ethically dubious situations

Question 19 (5 points)

What ethical stance should managers adopt when in a foreign country whose laws and culture are different than what they are used to?
Question 19 options:

a) Judge each case as it comes along.

b) Stick to the higher standards that are typical in their home country.

c) Always follow local practices and laws.

d) Follow their own personal code of ethics.

Question 20 (5 points)

What happens during the Conventional Stages of Kohlberg's Three Levels of Moral Development?
Question 20 options:

a) Children can see moral rights and wrongs.

b) Children can apply the labels good, bad, right, and wrong.

c) Children satisfy their own needs through right actions.

d) The person tries to see right and wrong impartially.

Question 1 (5 points)

How does a cost-benefit analysis determine the desirability of investing in a project?
Question 1 options:

a) by figuring whether its present and future economic benefits outweigh its present and future economic costs

b) by figuring whether its future economic benefits outweigh its present economic costs

c) by figuring whether its present and future economic benefits outweigh its future economic costs

d) by figuring whether present economic benefits outweigh present economic costs

Question 2 (5 points)

What is a criticism of utilitarianism?
Question 2 options:

a) Not all values can be measured.

b) It harms the weak.

c) It does not account for the environment.

d) It does not provide a system to determine who should receive benefits.

Question 3 (5 points)

Why did the Ford managers decide not to fix the gas tank on the Pinto?
Question 3 options:

a) because they believed it was best for society as a whole

b) because they did not have enough time or budget

c) to save money on the cost of fixing the tanks

d) because they were acting in self-interest

Question 4 (5 points)

The first formulation of the categorical imperative incorporates two criteria for determining moral right and wrong: universalizability and:
Question 4 options:

a) applicability.

b) reversibility.

c) enforceability.

d) entitlement.

Question 5 (5 points)

What is the definition of capitalist justice?
Question 5 options:

a) Every person should be given exactly equal shares of a society's or a group's benefits and burdens.

b) In any situation the right course of action is the one that will provide people with the greatest amount of benefits while minimizing harms.

c) Benefits should be distributed according to the value of the contribution the individual makes to a society, a task, a group, or an exchange.

d) Work burdens should be distributed according to people's abilities, and benefits should be distributed according to people's needs.

Question 6 (5 points)

__________ consider it wrong to tax someone to provide benefits to someone else.
Question 6 options:

a) Egalitarians

b) Utilitarians

c) Libertarians

d) Kantians

Question 7 (5 points)

According to the __________, the fact that a certain action would maximize utility on one particular occasion does not show that it is right from an ethical point of view.
Question 7 options:

a) categorical imperative

b) justice theory

c) ethics of virtue

d) rule-utilitarian

Question 8 (5 points)

When might it be appropriate for civil rights to be restricted?
Question 8 options:

a) during times of economic hardship

b) during times of war

c) when different political parties come into power

d) when the majority disagrees with the minority being restricted

Question 9 (5 points)

What are intrinsic goods?
Question 9 options:

a) things that are considered good because they lead to other good things

b) things that we believe we desire, because of advertising and popular opinion

c) things that are desired for their own sake, such as health and life

d) things which we do not value or desire, but others do

Question 10 (5 points)

Which of the following is an ethical rule governing contracts?
Question 10 options:

a) The contract must be fair.

b) The contract must be enforceable.

c) The contract must be specific.

d) The contract must not be immoral.

Question 11 (5 points)

__________ hold that there are no relevant differences among people that can justify unequal treatment.
Question 11 options:

a) Egalitarians

b) Utilitarians

c) Libertarians

d) Kantians

Question 12 (5 points)

__________ rights imply that others have a duty not only to refrain from interference, but also to provide you with what you need to pursue your interests.
Question 12 options:

a) Positive

b) Negative

c) Privacy

d) Entitlement

Question 13 (5 points)

What type of justice involves remuneration for wrongs or injuries?
Question 13 options:

a) retributive justice

b) distributive justice

c) reparative justice

d) compensatory justice

Question 14 (5 points)

What is the definition of egalitarianism?
Question 14 options:

a) Every person should be given exactly equal shares of a society's or a group's benefits and burdens.

b) In any situation the right course of action is the one that will provide people with the greatest amount of benefits while minimizing harms.

c) Benefits should be distributed according to the value of the contribution the individual makes to a society, a task, a group, or an exchange.

d) Work burdens should be distributed according to people's abilities, and benefits should be distributed according to people's needs.

Question 15 (5 points)

What is the ethic of virtue?
Question 15 options:

a) an emphasis on the value of caring for others' well-being

b) an ethic based on evaluations of the moral character of a person

c) a view that holds that actions should be weighed based on benefits and costs

d) the ethic that benefits and burdens should be distributed fairly

Question 16 (5 points)

Which of the following is NOT true regarding moral rights?
Question 16 options:

a) They are closely related to duties.

b) They provide a basis for justifying one's actions.

c) They generally override utilitarian standards.

d) They are immune from all utilitarian considerations.

Question 17 (5 points)

What does the First Formulation of Kant's Categorical Imperative hold similarities to?
Question 17 options:

a) the golden rule

b) the golden mean

c) utilitarianism

d) ethical relativism

Question 18 (5 points)

__________ claim that freedom from constraint is necessarily good, and that all constraints imposed on one by others are necessary evils, except when they prevent even greater human constraints.
Question 18 options:

a) Egalitarians

b) Utilitarians

c) Libertarians

d) Kantians

Question 19 (5 points)

The most flexible method is to measure actions and goods in terms of:
Question 19 options:

a) how they relate to rights

b) how they relate to justice

c) their monetary equivalents

d) their impact on health and life

Question 20 (5 points)

Which of the following is true regarding moral rights and legal rights?
Question 20 options:

a) Legal rights are more specific than moral rights.

b) Moral rights are universal.

c) Moral rights are dependent on where you live.

d) Legal rights cannot be revoked.

Question 1 (5 points)

Social Darwinists had a different take on the utilitarian justification for free markets. What did they argue? 
Question 1 options:

a) They argued that only by aiding weaker businesses can they grow strong.

b) They argued that economic competition would not produce human progress.

c) They argued that economic competition was inherently flawed. 

d) They argued that the best businesses are those that can survive fierce economic competition.

Question 2 (5 points)

Compassion, concern, love, friendship, and kindness are all sentiments or virtues that normally manifest this dimension of morality.
Question 2 options:

a) ethics of care

b) virtue ethics

c) the categorical imperative

d) duty ethics

Question 3 (5 points)

Which country's laws regarding property and ownership rights have been influenced by John Locke's views?
Question 3 options:

a) United States

b) Japan

c) Thailand

d) Mexico

Question 4 (5 points)

The area of __________ has created a debate between the Lockean property rights and socialist notions of collective ownership.
Question 4 options:

a) oligopolies

b) globalization

c) free markets

d) intellectual property

Question 5 (5 points)

In a mixed economy: 
Question 5 options:

a) monopolies are regulated, nationalized, or outlawed. 

b) oligopolies are the norm.

c) unions are typically illegal.

d) the government does not interfere much.

Question 6 (5 points)

The __________ implies that whatever happens naturally is always for the best.
Question 6 options:

a) casuistry arrangement

b) utilitarian justification

c) natural order

d) naturalistic fallacy

Question 7 (5 points)

What did Marx's "alienation" theory say about the nature of a human being?
Question 7 options:

a) It is our nature to be self-determined and be able to satisfy our true needs.

b) It is our nature to be greedy and always want more.

c) It is our nature to want to do gooD.

d) It is our nature to avoid conflict, and therefore workers do not rise against their oppressors.

Question 8 (5 points)

The simultaneous occurrence of inflation and unemployment is called:
Question 8 options:

a) recession.

b) depression.

c) stagnation.

d) stagflation.

Question 9 (5 points)

Many economists now advocate retaining the market system and private property while modifying their workings through government regulation. This is known as a(n) __________ economy.
Question 9 options:

a) pure capitalist

b) evolutionary

c) mixed

d) free market

Question 10 (5 points)

What is the basic problem underlying the views of the social Darwinist?
Question 10 options:

a) Survival of the fittest is assumed to be survival of the best.

b) It does not take into account those less fortunate.

c) It conflicts with notions of government.

d) It is unsustainable.

Question 11 (5 points)

__________ arguments rest on utilitarian arguments that unregulated markets and private property will produce greater benefits than any amount of government interference could. 
Question 11 options:

a) John Maynard Keynes'

b) James Rachels'

c) Adam Smith's

d) Ludwig von Mises'

Question 12 (5 points)

China and Singapore are examples of what type of economies?
Question 12 options:

a) ones that favor free markets and globalization

b) ones that favor individual property rights

c) ones that favor government intervention

d) ones that favor competition

Question 13 (5 points)

Many economists now advocate retaining the market system and private property while modifying their workings through government regulation. This is known as a(n) __________ economy.
Question 13 options:

a) pure capitalist

b) evolutionary

c) mixed

d) free market

Question 14 (5 points)

What is the definition of "absolute advantage?"
Question 14 options:

a) Production costs of making a commodity are lower for one country than another.

b) A company has a trade secret that gives it an edge in the markets.

c) A country produces many different goods, rather than specializing.

d) Opportunity costs of making a commodity are lower for one country than another.

Question 15 (5 points)

What is the definition of the economic system based primarily on government authorities making decisions?
Question 15 options:

a) command economy

b) market economy

c) mixed economy

d) capitalist economy

Question 16 (5 points)

__________claim that people would be lazy without private property.
Question 16 options:

a) Egalitarians

b) Utilitarians

c) Libertarians

d) Kantians

Question 17 (5 points)

Linux, Firefox, and OpenOffice are examples of:
Question 17 options:

a) pay-to-play software.

b) government software.

c) shareware.

d) open-source software.

Question 18 (5 points)

According to Locke, the power of government should be:
Question 18 options:

a) Expanded to meet the needs of all citizens.

b) Expanded to meet the needs of corporations.

c) Limited, extending only far enough to protect basic rights of all citizens.

d) Limited, extending only far enough to protect the basic rights of corporations.

Question 19 (5 points)

In the "Great Recession" of 2008-2009, the governments around the world returned to __________ policies with a vengeance.
Question 19 options:

a) free market

b) Keynesian

c) utilitarian

d) Darwinist

Question 20 (5 points)

What effects of capitalism did Karl Marx observe and detail?
Question 20 options:

a) the rise of large corporations

b) pollution of the environment

c) unethical behavior of business owners

d) worker exploitation and inequality


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