Assignment 1

When consumers share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product, it is called: 
negative demand.

latent demand.

declining demand.
irregular demand.

A __________ is a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability; it reveals the shape of the future and can provide strategic direction. 




Total customer satisfaction is measured based on the relationship of: 
 expected value and total customer benefit.

 perceived performance and expectation.

 advertised outcomes and real outcomes.

 past experience and present experience.

Identify the four pillars of brand equity, according to brand asset valuator model. 
Relevance, performance, bonding, and advantage

Presence, performance, advantage, and bonding

Energized differentiation, relevance, esteem, and knowledge

Brand salience, brand feelings, brand imagery, and brand performance

The __________ attack offers the firm an opportunity to diversify into unrelated products, diversity into new geographical markets, and leapfrog into new technologies. 




__________ is a period of rapid market acceptance and substantial profit improvement. 



__________ is the ability of a company to prepare on a large-scale basis individually designed products, services, programs, and communications. 
Mass customization

Reverse engineering


Backward compatibility

After determining its pricing objectives, a firm should take what next logical step in setting its pricing policy? 
It should analyze its competitors' costs, prices, and offers.

It should select its pricing method.

It should select its final price.

It should determine the demand for its product.

Which of the following is a form of mass communications channel? 
Interactive marketing

Personal selling

Public relations

Word-of-mouth marketing

__________ is the time necessary to prepare a promotional program prior to launching it. 
Sell-in time
Link time

Setup time

Lead time

Bonds are bought and sold in __________ markets. 



foreign exchange

The fundamental starting point of all the accounting statements is the __________ identity. 



You need $32,000 at the end of 6 years. If you can earn 0.625% per month, how much would you need to invest today to meet your objective? 




The future value three years from today of a $100 three-year annuity due compounded at a rate of 10% is equal to: 




What type of loan requires both principal and interest payments as you go by making equal payments each period? 
Amortized loan

Interest-only loan
Discount loan

Compound loan

To determine the interest paid each compounding period, we take the advertised annual percentage rate and simply divide it by the __________ to get the appropriate periodic interest rate. 
number of compounding periods for the length of an investment
number of discounting periods for the length of an investment

number of compounding periods per year

number of compounding periods per month

The __________ is the face value of the bond. 
current yield

maturity date

par value

coupon rate

A basis point is: 
one-thousandth of a percentage point.

one percentage point.

one-tenth of a percentage point.

one-hundredth of a percentage point.

Bonds are different from stocks because: 
bonds promise fixed payments for the length of their maturity.

bonds give payments only after other owners are paid.

bonds do not have maturity dates.

bonds promise growth in earnings.

Robert invested in stock and received a positive return over a 9-month period. Which of the following types of returns will be greater? 
Holding period return (HPR)

Effective annual return

Annual percentage rate

There is not enough information to make a definitive choice.

As part of its training, most military academies teach the: 
Nine Principles of War.

Seven Principles of Success.
Five Keys to Effectiveness.

Eight Steps to Efficiency.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a U.S. federal law designed to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of: 
the corporate vision.

the corporate mission.

corporate disclosures.

the balanced scorecard.

Imitability of a resource can occur through: 



duplication and substitution.

The use of equipment, materials, knowledge, and experience to perform tasks is defined as: 
the information revolution.

labor allocation.

resource allocation.

The various studies of organizational environments can be summarized from the following perspective(s): 
environment as a source of information.

environment as a source of resources.

environment as a source of power.

environment as a source of information and of resources.

__________ refers to cost savings that you get as volume increases. 
Switching costs

Economic costs

Economies of scale

Leveraged costs

Why is an internal analysis important? 
It is the only way to assess an organization's competitive environment.

It is needed for making good strategic decisions.

It establishes organizational goals and objectives.

It assists in product positioning.

In Mintzberg's typology, __________ is a way to differentiate. 



A more dramatic response to a failing organization may be: 
a joint venture strategy.

a turnaround strategy.

a vertical integration strategy.
a long-term contract.

__________ refers to the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important. 
National culture

National values

International value systems

Global culture

Representatives of a multinational firm seek an interview with local government leaders in the Department of Commerce in Argonia with a view to assess the types of policies likely to be implemented. According to Mathis, this is an example of a __________ approach. 



The Anti-Sweatshop Code of Conduct requires companies to provide a healthy and safe work environment and to: 
differentiate on the basis of gender.

pay the prevailing local minimum wage.

reduce environmental footprints.

employ forced labor when the situation demands it.

Austria and Germany value competition and have a "can-do" attitude. Therefore, according to the GLOBE project, Austria and Germany are most likely to be __________ societies. 




Which of the following is NOT a critical operational value difference? 


Material factors

Trust improves cross-cultural communication by: 
making sure that all of the business transactions are based on arm's-length relationships.
replacing formal legal contracts for global firms.

encouraging the open exchange of ideas and information.

helping people plan for known circumstances.

When Disney decided to build a park in Paris, the French government gave Disney prime farmland just outside the city limits. This is most likely an example of a firm expanding overseas due to: 
globalization of competitors.
restrictive trade barriers.

home country regulations.

provision of incentives.

Which of the following is a strategic implementation used by McDonald's? 
Keeping prices low to build market share

Altering menu items significantly to match cultural norms

Using American managers to run international franchises

Forming joint ventures with foreign restaurants to enter new markets

In addition to the global war for talent, there are considerable strategic competitive challenges for firms. Which of the following is one such challenge? 
Increasing talent in order to lower the costs of operations

Relocating operations around the world

Obtaining competent talent at higher wages than competitors
Obtaining talent using a regiocentric approach

Effective human resource management of a company's global cadre ends with: 
allocation of an overseas assignment to the executive.

successful repatriation of the executive into company headquarters.

preparing the executive for cultural differences.

providing foreign-language training to the executive.

Blackmoor Industries is an American firm that manufactures automotive parts. The firm has several manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and one in a foreign country. Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that workers in the foreign facility are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles. Consequently, flexible roles and work networks are unlikely to find favor in this particular facility, unlike in those spread across the U.S. If this information is true, which of the following can be fittingly inferred about Blackmoor's foreign facility's location? 
It is in a low uncertainty avoidance culture.
It is in a highly individualist culture.

It is in a masculine culture.

It is in a low power distance culture.

Is Drug B superior to the currently used Drug A in treating pancreatitis? 

Case-controlled observational
Double blind experiment

Single blind experiment

A survey of 100 dog owners showed that the average dog 'checked the mail' eleven times during an evening walk. Which question most probably represents the purpose of the study? 
How many 'mail check stops' can a dog be expected to make on an evening walk?
How many dog owners take dogs for an evening walk?

How many dogs 'check the mail' on an evening walk?

How many pet owners have dogs?

A bar graph in which the bars are arranged in frequency order is a: 

pie chart.

line chart.

pareto chart.

Six football players, all defensive linemen, decide that they will gain an average of 10 pounds over the summer. At the start of the season, only five showed up for the weigh-in. They had gained 9, 13, 11, 6, and 7 pounds. How many pounds does the last person have to gain in order that the group can attain its goal? 
12 pounds

14 pounds

13 pounds

14.5 points

The heights of 10 randomly selected fourth grade boys are (in inches) are 53, 53, 54, 56, 56, 56, 50, 57, 59, and 56. Find the sample standard deviations to 2 decimal places. 




Salesmen for the ABC Plastics Company drive an average of 240 miles per day with a standard deviation of 36 miles. If samples of 25 daily mileages are taken, what is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means? 




In 2003, the U.S. death rate was 1.2 per 100,000 people due to motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles in the U.S. were involved in fatal crashes at the rate of 35.0 per 100 million miles driven. If the population of the U.S. is 300,000,000, what is the expected number of deaths due to motorcycle accidents? 




In one city, there are 1,780 5-year old children of whom 556 live with one parent only. Among a sample of 615 of the 5-year old children from this city, 226 live with one parent only. Find the population proportion of 5-year olds who live with only one parent. 




A manufacturer wishes to test the claim that one of its pancake mixes has a 
mean weight that does not equal 24 ounces as advertised. Determine the conclusion of the hypothesis test assuming that the results of the sampling lead to rejection of the null hypothesis. 
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is greater than 24 ounces.

Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is not equal to 24 ounces.

Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is equal to 24 ounces.

Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is less than 24 ounces.

A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 17.6 < ยต < 23.6. What is the margin of error? 





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