MI605 International Business - Discussions and Activities

Discussion Question 1_01 


Define international business and discuss the advantages and challenges of globalization. Discuss two (2) advantages and two (2) challenges of an international business. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 1_02 



Discuss five (5) motives for establishing foreign operations. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 2_03 


Discuss the four (4) key factors that contribute to the success of a global manufacturing strategy. (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 2_04 


Although noneconomic arguments are used to influence trade, many of these also have economic undertones and consequences. Using examples not mentioned in the text, fully discuss three (3) of the following major noneconomic rationales:

1. Maintaining essential industries ( especially defense)

2. Promoting acceptable practices abroad

3. Maintaining or extending spheres of influence

4. Preserving national culture


(30 points) (A 2-page response is required.)



Activity 2_05 


Activity #2: International Business and Human Resources (100 points)


Using ProQuest, the online database on the Ashworth College Web site, and the Internet, research Geert Hofstede and Hofstede's Dimensions. For this Activity, focus on the following:

1. Power Distance:  To what degree does a culture encourage people to think of themselves as equals and to what degree does a culture encourage people to stay within a hierarchical social structure?

2. Individualism vs. Collectivism:  To what degree does a culture encourage individualism?  Asian cultures tend to be group oriented, while American culture encourages individualism.

3. Masculinity vs. Femininity:  Is a culture oriented towards relationships or tasks?  This dimension deals with the idea of masculine and feminine influences in the workplace.

4. Uncertainty Avoidance:  Does a culture encourage people to take or avoid risk?


Read the following two (2) scenarios and answer the questions at the end of each scenario.  You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  (100 points)  (A 3-page response is required for the combination of Parts A and B.)


Part A Country A (50 points)


  The Problem:  A mid-size hotel chain requested the services of a human resources consultant to assist in preparing employees for a merger with a similar company whose headquarters were located in the same country.  The organization was very concerned about the type of employee anxiety that typically accompanies mergers and acquisitions. It was quite possible the merger might require some downsizing and change in organizational structure and management styles.


  Country Background:  Both hotel chains were located in Country A, a relatively small (about the size of the American state of New Jersey), highly industrialized country politically considered to be a "western democracy."  The country is considered to have a very open, friendly attitude towards tourism. The population is, for the most part, socially, racially, and economically homogeneous. The government is stable, the GNP is high, and crime is much lower than in other countries of similar size and economic status. Militarily, the country is pacifistic. Taxes are high, but much government assistance is provided in public education, including graduate school tuition, medicine, disability insurance, retirement benefits, utilities, transportation, and employee rights protection. In fact, all employees are guaranteed a seven-week annual vacation and maternal or paternal leave to all new parents. Professional and non-professional employees typically retire at age 53.  Both freedom of expression and the right to private enterprise are considered sacred.


  The Consultant:  In the first meeting, the consultant was introduced to the organization and its key executives.  The consultant began by explaining his background in human resources and his experience in the cost-efficient management of human capital.  Suddenly the room went silent, and there was a definite freeze. Realizing his faux pas, the consultant cleared his throat and explained that his "real" emphasis was on assisting organizations to counsel and develop their employees to their fullest potential, especially during times of trauma. He then began talking about issues such as organizational learning.


  Answer the following questions in light of the above information.  (50 points)

  1. How would you describe this country's culture in terms of Hofstede's dimensions?  Explain why.  (16 points)

  2. Why did the consultant change his image and presentation of services? (14 points)

  3. What would you recommend that the consultant do differently?  (20 points)


Part B Country B (50 points)


  The Problem:  A small hotel chain (with no international holdings) recently purchased a new information technology system.  Top management wished to computerize all of their hotels' operations.  A consultant was hired to develop a training program to teach its employees how to operate the new computers.


  Country Background:  The hotel organization is located in Country B, which has been economically categorized as a developing nation.  As a former European colony, it is still greatly influenced by its colonial legacy.  Tourism is new to this country, and hotels cater to foreigners or to the country's elite, who pride themselves on appearing European. A large social, cultural, and economic gap exists between this country's rich and poor. Ninety percent of the country's wealth is held by 10% of its population.  Industry is 75% privately owned by a small cartel of leading families. The government is modeled after the European parliamentary system. However, in reality, the government is basically a single party system that has ruled since independence in 1960.  While the government claims to be militarily neutral, newspaper editorials are clearly anti-socialist.  The GNP is high for the region. Many observers believe that the country's economic health reflects favorable trade and tax agreements that have encouraged large-scale foreign investors looking for relatively cheap labor markets. Government and company-supported services for the poor are meager and sporadic. The population consists of four key ethnic groups who possess different racial, linguistic, and religious origins. While 40% of the population is illegal immigrants, they are ethnically related and protected by their local extended families.  Family bonds are, thus, very important.  In most cases, the ties to one's clan are more important than one's nationality.  Nepotism and favoritism often influence personnel decisions as job descriptions and performance criteria are typically vague.  In business and in government, members of the same family always hold positions of trust.


  The Consultant:  Top company officials politely received the consultant.  They spent a lot of time getting to know him on both a professional and personal level.  While the consultant was flattered by the attention, he was also frustrated by the length of time needed to establish rapport. Impatiently, the consultant pressured company officials to permit him to present his ideas for a new employee development program. In addition to computer training, the consultant suggested new training in management and team building.  He called himself a change agent and encouraged the company to develop a systematic career development and counseling system along with tuition benefits for any employee who wished to further his or her education.  Finally, he suggested a full-scale cultural diagnosis to identify the need for culture change within the hotel chain.


  Answer the following questions in light of the above information. (50 points)

  1. How would you describe this country's culture in terms of Hofstede's dimensions? Explain why.

  2. Why did the consultant's ideas fall on polite, but deaf ears?

  3. What would you recommend?





 Discussion Question 3_06 

Explain the diamond of national competitive advantage theory. Then explain how the existence of the four (4) favorable conditions does not guarantee that an industry will develop in a given locale. Include discussion of how chance and government could have a negative impact on the character of a national diamond. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 3_07 


Describe the ten (10) dimensions of economic freedom. What is the value of economic freedom? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)


Activity 3_08 

Activity #3: Statistical Table (100 points)


Part A Develop a table comparing the United States and Russia's important economic statistical indicators.  See the sample tables shown in your text, "International Business – Environment & Operations' pp. 219-232.  Your statistical data must include the following as a minimum. (50 points)

  1. Geography:  Land Area and Physical Features

  2. Demographics:  Population, Growth Rates, Age Distribution, Life Expectancy, Infant/Mortality, etc.

  3. Economic Factors:  GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth rates, Distribution by Manufacturing, Services, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, etc.


Part B Analyze your data table and state three (3) inferences of the statistical comparisons.  Provide two (2) reason for each inference explaining why this information is important to international businesses.  (50 points)



Discussion Question 4_09 

Global manufacturing strategy brings into play a mix of economic, competive, legal, political, and environmental conditions. Common patterns of decision making when considering global manufacturing suggest that success depends on dealing with configuration and coordination. Using relevent supporting examples, fully discuss how MNE's competitiveness depends on configuration and coordination. (30 points) (A 2-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 4_10 


Why Export? Why Import? (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.)



Activity 4_11 

Activity #4: Article Analysis (100 points)


Go to the following Web site and review the information on the competition within the European Union (EU).  Discuss the EU's competition policy.  Be sure to consider and include in your discussion the issues listed in Parts A and B.




You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  (100 points)  (A 3-page response is required for a combination of Parts A and B.)


Part A Discuss two (2) key points concerning each of the four (4) tenants of the competition policy.  Provide one (1) example for each of the four (4) tenants of the policy.  (60 points)


Part B Discuss why this policy may cause concern among American businesses with international business in the EU.  (40 points)



Discussion Question 5_12 


Compare and contrast the characteristics and uses of spot exchange rates, forward exhange rates, and currency swaps. (26 points) (A 1½-page response required.)



Discussion Question 5_13 


What is political risk and what three (3) approaches can managers use to predict political risk? Include a specific example (not used in the text) for each approach to support your answer. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)



Activity 5_14 


Activity #5: eBay Business Model (100 points)


Examine, discuss, and contrast the eBay business models used in the United States (www.ebay.com), the United Kingdom (ebay.co.uk), and one other country.  The goal of this activity is to develop your skills in analyzing international business issues and finding relevant information.  You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  (100 points)  (A 3-page response is required.)


Part A Create a matrix to measure and document the global similarities and differences of the three (3) eBay Web sites.  Take the perspective of both a seller and buyer.  Include the following categories in your matrix and add three (3) additional categories based on your research.  (60 points)

  1. Visual Presentation

  2. Color Scheme

  3. Language

  4. Searchable

  5. Currency

  6. Payment Options

  7. Item Pricing (Pick and list the selling price of the same item sold in all three markets.)


Part B Based on your observation, comment on at least four (4) of eBay's global strategies as it moves to the world's largest market place.  (40 points)



Discussion Question 6_15 

Generally, the more ownership a company has, the greater its control over decisions. However, governments often protect minority owners so that majority owners do not act against their interests, thus companies may opt for 100 percent ownership if they want control. Using examples, fully explain the following three (3) primary explanations for companies to want a controlling interest: internalization theory, appropriability theory, and freedom to pursue global objectives. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)



Discussion Question 6_16 


What is scanning? What information is important in scanning? (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)

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