MA260 Online Exam 1_02 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 of 20
5.0 Points
A poll was taken of a random sample of 1189 college students. Of these students, 789 reported that they had a drinking binge (more than 10 drinks in an evening) in the past month. Select the most believable conclusion.

    A. About 66.358% of college students indulged in binge drinking last month.
    B. Of the 23,456,321 college students in the country, 15,565,212 indulged
    in binge drinking last month.
    C. About 65% of college students indulge in binge drinking.
    D. About 65% of college students indulged in binge drinking in the past month.

Question 2 of 20
5.0 Points
A student wanted to know the favorite lunch at a large high school with a closed campus. What is the first step in conducting a statistical study to answer the question?

    A. Select a random sample of students.
    B. State the goal of the study precisely.
    C. Select a random sample of students and teachers.
    D. Select a random sample of teachers.

Question 3 of 20
5.0 Points
Which data provide the answer to the question: "How frequently can a student at Eureka College be expected to study more than three hours a day?"

    A. Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they study at least three hours a day twice a week.
    B. Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they have studied at least three hours a day.
    C. Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they studied at least three hours a day twice last week.
    D. Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they intend to study at least three hours a day next week.

Question 4 of 20
5.0 Points
The size of an e-mail file is stated as 210 kB, but the file size is actually 220.5 kB. What is the absolute error?

    A. 5%
    B. 10%
    C. 10.5 kB
    D. -10.5 kB

Question 5 of 20
5.0 Points
Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $50 in 1985 and is $100 in 2000. What is the 'Statistics Text Index' number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 2000 edition with the 1985 price as the reference value?

    A. 20.0
    B. 200.0
    C. 50.0
    D. 2.0

Question 6 of 20
5.0 Points

A homeowner put a brand-name fertilizer/weed killer on half of his lawn and a generic fertilizer/weed killer on the other half. After three weeks, the generic side had 1 weed per square meter, the other side 1.7 weeds per square meter. The generic side required two mowings in the 3 weeks, the brand-name side one. The homeowner concluded that the generic was superior to the brand-name. Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study.

    A. Consider possible confounding variables.
    B. Consider the sample.
    C. Consider the type of study.
    D. Consider the source.

Question 7 of 20
5.0 Points
A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to validate the efficacy of an herb as an aid in weight loss. She randomly assigns half of a group of overweight persons to a treatment group who are given the herb with instructions for its use and a planned diet for six weeks. The other half of the group is given the same diet without the herb. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on Friday of each week. Select the potential source of confounding.

    A. The placebo effect
    B. Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
    C. Experimenter effect
    D. The study is essentially free of confounding sources

Question 8 of 20
5.0 Points
Compared with a metric scale that has grams as the smallest division, a scale with milligrams as the smallest division:

    A. will guarantee measurements that are more accurate, but not necessarily more precise.
    B. will guarantee measurements that are more precise and more accurate.
    C. will guarantee measurements that are more precise, but not necessarily more accurate.
    D. will not guarantee measurements that are more accurate or more precise.

Question 9 of 20
5.0 Points
Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit of the ocean at various depths:

    A. Ratio
    B. Interval
    C. Ordinal
    D. Nominal

Question 10 of 20
5.0 Points

The father of a junior high school student wants to determine the most popular book among junior high students. Select the sample with the least potential bias.

    A. A randomly selected group of 10 book sellers
    B. A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students
    C. A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students leaving the public library

    The group of 30 junior high students attending the birthday party of the
    researcher's child

Question 11 of 20
5.0 Points

A college student who does laundry infrequently wants to determine the effect of bluing on what should be white clothes. Select the sample most representative of the population.

    A. Reports of two friends, one of whom was given bluing
    B. The reports of an internet chatroom on laundry techniques
    C. Two loads of personal wash, one with, one without bluing

    Two loads of wash, one personal, one of a friend, the bluing assigned by
    a coin flip

Question 12 of 20
5.0 Points

Which is the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez' backyard grass? Select the type of study most appropriate to the question.

    A. Experimental
    B. Experimental blinded
    C. Case-controlled observational
    D. Observational

Question 13 of 20
5.0 Points
A U.S. government report stated that, "With bank interest rates around  1.0%, 8% of wage earners believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. However, at 3.0% interest, 36% of wage earners believe
it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. The margin of error
for both studies is 4 percentage points.". A proper conclusion from the
studies is that:

    A. increasing the interest rate from 1% to 3% will increase the number of
    persons saving money in a savings account.
    B. increasing the interest rate may well have no effect on the number of
    persons saving money in a savings account.
    C. increasing the interest rate will increase the number of persons saving
    money in a savings account.
    D. the interest rate difference between 1% and 3% may well have no effect
    on the number of persons saving money in a savings account.

Question 14 of 20
5.0 Points

A sample consists of every 49th student from a group of 496 students. Identify the type of sampling used.

    A. Systematic
    B. Cluster
    C. Convenience
    D. Random

Question 15 of 20
5.0 Points

Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate for the statement below.

Ages of survey respondents.

    A. Ratio
    B. Interval
    C. Ordinal
    D. Nominal

Question 16 of 20
5.0 Points
In a survey of 80 high school football players who committed to play in the Division III CCIW conference, 64 said that they would work out in their high school weight rooms in the summer before college. The margin of error for the survey was 6%. A census of all CCIW football players (not just freshmen) showed that 59% worked out at their high schools. One can conclude that:

    A. the subjects were less than forthcoming in their responses to the survey.
    B. the sample was not representative of the population.
    C. there must have been an error in the determination of the margin of error.
    D. the census results are consistent with the confidence interval of the study.

Question 17 of 20
5.0 Points
Soft drink sizes: small, medium, large:

    A. Qualitative, nominal
    B. Quantitative, ordinal
    C. Quantitative, ordinal, discrete
    D. Qualitative, ordinal

Question 18 of 20
5.0 Points
One month before a recall election, a poll of 500 Wisconsin voters showed that 46% planned to vote for the Democratic challenger Tom Barrett and 45% planned to vote for Republican Governor Scott Walker. Undecided voters constituted another 9%. The margin of error was 5 percentage points. What conclusion can you draw from this poll?

    A. Barrett will win the election.
    B. Walker can't get over 50% of the votes.
    C. The race is too close to call.
    D. No one will win.

Question 19 of 20
5.0 Points
Humanities majors spend an average of $115 per course on books.
Mathematics majors spend an average of $70 per course on books. What is
the percent difference between the two amounts relative to the amount
for mathematics majors (round to the nearest percent)?

    A. 64%
    B. 39%
    C. 50%
    D. 42%

Question 20 of 20
5.0 Points
Convert 13% to decimal form.

    A. 0.013
    B. 0.13
    C. 1.3
    D. 13

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