C12 Online Exam 8_07 Score 100%

Which of the following statements is true of the NAFTA?
  A.  It allows a member country to reimpose tariffs if imports are hurting that country's economy or its workers.
  B.  It disallows any special protection from being extended to specific industries.
  C.  It disallows NAFTA members from trading with other countries unless a unanimous permission is obtained.
  D.  It has been hailed by economists as a perfect example of a free trade pact.

Throughout Christianity, divine and natural laws have been issued in the form of __________.
  A.  edicts
  B.  conventions
  C.  novations
  D.  canons

The __________ is a staff of people that administers the day-to-day operations of the UN.  
  A.  Council of Ministers
  B.  Security Council
  C.  General Assembly
  D.  Secretariat

Which of the following is true of the Islamic law of Shari'a ?
  A.  The Shari'a disallows making a reasonable profit from the sale of goods and services.
  B.  All Islamic countries strictly follow the complete Shari'a to govern all aspects of life.
  C.  The Shari'a encourages riba through the strict payment and collection of interest on loans within stipulated periods of time.
  D.  The Shari'a is primarily used in the areas of marriage, divorce, inheritance, and, to a limited degree, criminal law.

Which of the following statements is true regarding international law?
  A.  All legal matters of international importance are prosecuted by a single world court.
  B.  The enforcement of all international laws is regulated by a unitary world executive branch.
  C.  There is no single legislative source from which all international laws are created.
  D.  All countries have to follow the international laws enacted by other countries.

Which of the following is an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act?
  A.  sham exception
  B.  managed trade exception
  C.  diversity of citizenship exception
  D.  commercial activity exception

The __________ is a trilateral treaty that has removed or reduced tariffs, duties, quotas, and other trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  A.  Free Trade Area of the Americas Treaty
  B.  North American Free Trade Agreement
  C.  Central America Free Trade Agreement
  D.  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

The __________ is an international organization created by a multilateral treaty in 1945 to promote social and economic cooperation among nations and to protect human rights.
  A.  United Nations
  B.  League of Nations
  C.  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  D.  World Trade Organization

Which of the following is true of the International Monetary Fund?
  A.  The IMF is a federal body that consists of representatives from all the states, including federal experts.
  B.  The IMF is funded from the Superfund created by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.
  C.  The IMF is an autonomous agency under the UN which promotes sound monetary, fiscal, and macroeconomic policies worldwide.
  D.  The IMF is responsible for providing one-time grants to needy countries with no terms and conditions attached to the assistance.

__________ is a regional international organization that comprises many countries of Western and Eastern Europe and was created to promote peace and security as well as economic, social, and cultural development.  
  A.  European Economic Community
  B.  Common Market
  C.  North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  D.  European Union

Which of the following pairs of constitutional provisions gives the federal government the authority to regulate foreign affairs?
  A.  the Due Process Clause and Double Jeopardy Clause
  B.  the Supremacy Clause and Equal Protection Clause
  C.  the Free Exercise Clause and Establishment Clause
  D.  the Foreign Commerce Clause and Treaty Clause

If a state enacts a law that increases its tax on imported automobiles but not on American-made automobiles, it violates the __________ of the U.S. Constitution.
  A.  Equal Protection Clause
  B.  Foreign Commerce Clause
  C.  Supremacy Clause
  D.  Due Process Clause

The __________ is an international organization of 153 member nations created in 1995 to promote and enforce trade agreements among member countries and customs territories.
  A.  World Trade Organization
  B.  International Monetary Fund
  C.  North American Free Trade Commission
  D.  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines are members of the __________.
  A.  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  B.  Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  C.  Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
  D.  North American Free Trade Agreement

An agreement between two or more nations that is formally signed by an authorized representative of each nation and ratified by each nation is defined as a(n. __________.  
  A.  statute
  B.  charter
  C.  treaty
  D.  arraignment

Which of the following is provided under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act?
  A.  rules for conflict resolution among DR-CAFTA members
  B.  endowment of the president with powers to enter into treaties with foreign nations
  C.  guidelines to govern suits against foreign nations within the United States
  D.  regulation of commerce between the United States and foreign nations

Treaties arranged by international organizations like the United Nations are known as __________.
  A.  arraignments
  B.  easements
  C.  amendments
  D.  conventions

The __________ prescribes comprehensive and integrated rules of religious, political, and legal life that together form Jewish thought.
  A.  Canon
  B.  Torah
  C.  Dharmasastra
  D.  Riba

What is the role of the WTO dispute settlement body?
  A.  hear appeals on decisions made about a dispute
  B.  create panel reports on the findings of a dispute
  C.  hear the dispute settlement from the plaintiff
  D.  review panel reports and adopt them if necessary
Which of the following is an example of an autonomous agency of the United Nations?
  A.  North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  B.  Security Council
  C.  World Trade Organization
  D.  International Monetary Fund



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