Analysis of Credit Card Debt

Analysis of Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt is a reality for many in today's world. Suppose that you had a $5,270.00 balance on a credit card with an annual percentage rate (APR) of 15.53 percent.  Consider the following questions and prepare a report based upon your conclusions.  Your report should be created as a Word document, but you are encouraged to create graphs and charts (which can be made in Excel and copied to the Word document) to illustrate your points. Remember: make sure you explain what the charts and/or graphs mean; do not assume the reader understands what they mean.

  1. Most credit cards require that you pay a minimum monthly payment of two percent of the balance. Based upon a balance of $5,270.00, what would be the minimum monthly payment (assuming no other fees are being applied)?
  2. Considering the minimum payment you just calculated, determine the amount of interest and the amount that was applied to reduce the principal. Hint: You'll need to find the total interest for the year first.
  3. Consider one of your credit cards. What is the balance? How is the minimum monthly payment determined? What would be the minimum payment? How much of the minimum payment goes towards interest? How much of the minimum payment goes towards the principal? If you do not want to share an actual balance or do not have a credit card, calculate these amounts using an imaginary credit card balance.
  4. Now, examine the terms of one of your credit cards or other revolving debt. Are there other charges that the credit card company is applying to your account? Are you receiving a special rate for a limited time? Does your card charge an annual service charge or an inactivity fee?
  5. Examine a credit card bill (or other revolving debt) and see how long it will take to pay off your debt if you paid only the minimum payments (you can also use an online calculator like the one at What steps could you take to pay off this credit card (or debt) sooner? Determine the percentage of the principal that you need to pay down in order to pay off the credit card in the time frame of your choosing.
  6. Many Americans find themselves amassing large amounts of credit card (or other revolving) debt at an early age. What advice concerning the use of credit cards and the fees they charge would you provide to a young adult planning on getting a credit card?


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