Discussion Question 4_11 Review Sample Business Plan

Go to http://www.bplans.com/sp/businessplans.cfm. Select a sample business plan to review. Using the suggested "Business Plan Components: An Overview" from Chapter 11 in your textbook (Allen, 2003, pp. 233-237), perform the following. (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.)

  1. List the title of the selected business plan.
  2. List the Internet link to your chosen plan.
  3. Evaluate the plan in terms of its weaknesses and missing elements. List eight (8) weaknesses and/or missing elements).

NOTE: Real learning takes place from studying a business plan's weakness rather than its strengths. Since we have not yet studied the financial plan, you will only be expected to provide a cursory review of the financial components of the business plan.

  1. List the sections of the plan where each weakness or missing element is found.

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