HUM150 Week-5 - Women in films

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word compare and contrast essay for a themed film festival. Choose three films from the three specific time periods to exemplify your theme. The theme could be anything from a specific genre, like the Western, to a topic, such as male representation in film, to a specific time period, and everything in between (see Week Three Preparation Film Festival).

Design this film festival for University of Phoenix students. Keep in mind your audience.

Include the following in your essay:

·  Identify and explain your theme.

·  Identify and explain your personal reason(s) for choosing this focus.

·  Identify and explain why University of Phoenix students need to examine this theme, including but not limited to: What will students learn? What new knowledge will be gained? Why is this important?

·  Compare and contrast the three films to each other and to our course content. This is the main portion of the essay. Explain how the films relate to each other and to your chosen theme in terms of course content. Consider all that was discussed throughout the course, including but not limited to: cinematography, sound and music, editing, narrative, genre, history, and film theory.

·  Use specific scenes and details from each movie. Include the hour and minute of the scene's location in the film during discussion.

·  Be careful to have a clear thesis statement and strong topic sentences.

·  Reference The Film Experience, other University of Phoenix resources, and prior assignment resources.

Cite your work - including any and all visual inclusions - according to appropriate level APA guidelines and expectations. Pictures and other pertinent graphics are welcome.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.


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