HUM150 Cinematography Sound and Editing Worksheet -Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)

Cinematography, Sound, and Editing


Choose a movie from the approved Week Two/Week Three film list to complete the below worksheet. Please refer to our course readings.


Part I: Examining Cinematography – Write at least 250 word answers to each of the following questions in the matrix:



Discuss your film's point of view.







How are camera angles used within your film? Be sure to point to at least two specific scenes.







Discuss how your film is framed.







Discuss one scene and depth of field.






Using at least one scene examine the ideas of contrast and color.








Discuss one scene and the concept of movement.










Part II: Analyzing Editing -- Write at least 250 word answers to each of the following questions in the matrix:




Analyze a cut within your film.







Discuss two types of shots.







Examine the concept of temporality within your film.









Part III: Examining Sound -- Write at least 250 word answers to each of the following questions in the matrix:




How are voice and dialogue used in your film?






Locate one scene with music. How does music work within that scene? Be specific.






Discuss the sound effects used within your film.







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