Ashworth Semester Exam BM410 Sales Management Practices

BM41S : Sales Management & Practices

Question 1

Ensuring that salespeople know the ethical and legal framework for their markets, including cultural and global market variations, is a salesforce response to which of the following issues?

Complexity issues

Adaptability issues

Collaboration issues

Accountability issues


Question 2

A(n) _______ is a salesperson who provides physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals with pertinent information about drugs to support the overall sales effort.






Question 3

The decision-making process in a modified rebuy buying situation is often referred to as

extensive problem solving.

routinized response behavior.

minimal problem solving.

limited problem solving.


Question 4

Advertising-driven marketing communications strategies are most appropriate when

trying to close the sale.

the message timing is important.

message flexibility is important.

repetitive contact is important.


Question 5

Salesforce socialization refers to

the encouragement salespeople get to socialize with their colleagues after work hours.

the process by which salespeople acquire the knowledge, skills, and values essential to perform in their role as salespeople.

the overall social values held by the firm about contemporary issues affecting the firm.

the salesperson's education concerning the ways other salespeople handle role conflict and role ambiguity.


Question 6

A _______ asks salespeople to indicate areas of need that could be addressed by sales training.

customer survey                                                                      

job analysis

competitor survey

salesforce survey


Question 7

This influence strategy might involve "office politics" and the use of third parties to influence others.






Question 8

How would a large direct sales company such as Avon most likely compensate their salespeople?

Straight salary

Salary plus bonuses

Straight commission

Salary plus commission


Question 9

Which of the following is not one of the four major areas covered by the sales organization audit framework?

Sales management evaluation

Sales organization history

Sales organization environment

Sales management functions


Question 10

While other methods of performance evaluation were rated very good on job relatedness and reliability criteria, which method received a poor rating?

Graphic rating/checklist method

Ranking methods

Management by objectives (MBO)

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)



Ashworth Semester Exam R04V Human Relations 2024

R04V : Human Relations

Question 1

Pamela wants to obtain as much useful self-knowledge as she can, so she obtains a personal evaluation from a counseling psychologist. Among the findings from a personality standpoint are that Pamela scores high on (a) extraversion, (b) openness, (c) agreeableness, (d) conscientiousness, and (d) optimism. She score lows on the personality factors of (a) neuroticism, (b) self-monitoring, (c) risk taking and thrill seeking. Among the findings related to cognitive ability, Pamela scores quite high on practical intelligence and linguistic intelligence. She scores average on analytical intelligence, and quite high on emotional intelligence. Imagine yourself as Pamela's supervisor, and you want to build an effective working relationship with her. You have given Pamela a key role in a project of major significance to your team. A useful approach in dealing with Pamela would be to:

move slowly in forming a working relationship with her, follow up frequently on your requests, and impose strict deadlines.

give her a lot of freedom, do not nag, and be particularly friendly and warm toward her,

monitor her progress closely, encourage her to try far-out ideas, and focus your conversation on the task.

be careful not to express your anxiety and fears about the project, and look out for her saying things that she thinks you want to hear.


Question 2

Marketing assistant Jody has been having financial problems recently. She has been late with some bills, and has neglected other bills for months. She figures that if she can at least concentrate on her job, she will perform well enough to get a salary increase in four months. Any extra money she receives will be applied immediately toward rent reduction. During a product launch meeting, she feels a small vibration coming from her handbag, and recognizes that it is her cell phone indicating a call or text message is waiting. Jody peeks at her phone to see a text message from her landlord that states, "Pay $750 by tomorrow or be evicted." Jody feels the urgent need to reply to the message, explaining that she will have the money in five days. From the standpoint of displaying good interpersonal skill, what should Jody do about responding to the call?

Pick up her cell phone immediately and send a response explaining her plan to pay in five days.

Place her cell phone on her lap and send a text message the best she can without appearing to be sending a text message.

Begin to cough, holding up five fingers suggesting that she has to leave the room and will return in a few minutes. While out of the conference room, Jody then sends the urgent text message.

Wait for a break in the meeting, and then discretely compose a message to her landlord.


Question 3

Victoria and Ted are part of an environmental protection team for a large company that manufactures and distributes carbonated beverages, juice drinks, and snacks. A major part of their responsibilities as team members is to investigate how the company can become more environmentally friendly. Included on the eight-member team are packaging design specialists, biologists, marketing specialists, and a financial analyst. A good deal of heated discussion takes place on the team about methods of preserving the environment that would be cost effective and truly helpful to the environment. Both Victoria and Ted want to do a good job as well as be good team players. One day the team leader asks Victoria and Ted to perform an analysis of the type of trash found regularly in the company Dumpsters. In discussing the assignment with each other, the two teammates and friends agree that such an assignment is totally vile. To preserve their goal of being good team players, yet still enjoy their wo

Explain to the team leader that they both want to be good organizational citizens, but garbage analysis is too far removed from their job description.

Acquire the necessary technical expertise, get the job done as quickly as possible, and don't criticize the assignment.

Explain to the team leader that analyzing the contents of a Dumpster does not fit the big picture of preserving the environment.

Explain to the team leader that his job is so important they would like to have three other team members' help with the garbage analysis so that a


Question 4

Nancy, an employee at MegaWorks Corp., has been on the job for only a week. She needs to ask the accountant some questions, but she doesn't remember his name. Which of the following steps would be the most appropriate for Nancy to take before contacting the accountant?

Ask someone for the accountant's name.

Ask the accountant his name once again.

Address the accountant with a title like "Sir."

Get the work done without using his name.


Question 5

Isabella is a production supervisor for an American company that manufactures high-tech equipment for the optics industry. She is sent to Beijing, China, to help troubleshoot a problem with a machine installed at a major client in Beijing. As Isabella attends the first meeting, the Chinese managers and professionals are courteous, and they smile frequently. Yet she detects a little resistance in dealing with her. One of the Chinese managers says, "When will your boss be here?" Another manager says, "You must be the secretary from America. I hope the technical details in the meeting will not bore you." To begin asserting her authority, Isabella might try which one of the following tactics?

Give the group a small lecture about gender egalitarianism, and explain that she is from the United States, not China.

Say to the group, "I understand that my job might seem a little unusual, but I am the production supervisor sent here to work with you. I want to help you because you are an honored customer."

Explain that although she is the manufacturing supervisor sent to fix the problem, she is flexible enough to carry out such roles as serving coffee and tea at the meeting.

Say to the group, "You are an honored customer and our company wants to fix your problem. But I suggest that we cancel our meeting, and I will return after your management team has completed diversity training."


Question 6

Roberto has been a hard-working and high-performing distribution specialist for a food distribution company. Based on his good performance and positive interpersonal skills, he is appointed as team leader of the group that distributes food to schools and hospitals. Several weeks into the job, Roberto notices that the team of workers is really not working much like a team. The team members each seem to do their own job acceptably, but there is not a high level of cooperation and coordination among them. Roberto has been somewhat successful in his preliminary attempt to move the group toward better teamwork. To help sustain the teamwork, Roberto is advised to use which approach to leadership?


Avoidance of all charismatic traits and behaviors

Participative or shared leadership



Question 7

Sana is the director of international marketing in her company. One of the people assigned to her team is marketing associate Sebastian. Although Sebastian is performing satisfactorily, Justine is not entirely satisfied with his performance. As Justine perceives the situation, Sebastian seems to feel that because he is a recent marketing graduate he is a highly knowledgeable marketing professional. Also, he recently gave a PowerPoint presentation to management that Justine attended. Justine observed several factual errors as well as a few embarrassing spelling errors. Justine has a coaching session this morning with Sebastian. She wants to coach him on doing a more careful job when making a PowerPoint presentation. An effective tactic for Justine would be to:

tell Sebastian to please listen for ten minutes before saying anything in the coaching session.

explain to Sebastian that his recent PowerPoint presentation was wretched, and that anybody else in the department could have done a better job.

point out a couple of specific errors Sebastian made in his recent PowerPoint presentation.

accuse Sebastian of being careless and sloppy in his PowerPoint presentation.


Question 8

Steve is the cafeteria manager at the company headquarters of a major financial services firm located in Texas. He is well prepared and well experienced for his role as cafeteria manager, and aspires toward other positions in the company. Steve says, "Some people think I have reached my ceiling as cafeteria manager. I don't think so. I can see myself someday taking on other responsibilities, including become the facilities manager. If I continue to run an outstanding cafeteria and make the right connections, I can move up." Today Steve is meeting with Clarissa, the manager of human resources, to discuss plans for expanding the cafeteria staff. Steve has heard that at his company, getting along well with coworkers is a key criterion for being promoted. Steve regards Clarissa as a coworker, but they have had only two brief contacts because Clarissa is relatively new to the company. What might Steve do to best develop a good relationship today in their meeting in her office?

Flatter Clarissa by telling her that he has heard she is one of the most outstanding human resource managers in the southern United States.

Suggest to Clarissa that he is willing to help her with some of her toughest tasks, because he has great natural talents in dealing with people.

Explain to Clarissa that he understands how important her role is in the organization, and that without the right people a business firm is destined to fail.

Brag about his skill in managing people, and how he sees his job as a stepping stone to bigger responsibility.


Question 9

Bruce is the administrative support manager at a large legal firm. His managerial duties include purchasing supplies and equipment, human resource management, and supervising the support staff. The law firm has been cited by the state bar association for engaging in several unethical practices, such as overcharging clients and advertising too aggressively. The partners at the firm have therefore decided that the law firm must reestablish its reputation by being highly ethical in dealing with the public and employees. A representative from a computer manufacturer calls on Bruce with the intent of equipping the entire legal staff, including both attorneys and paralegals, with a new model netbook computer. The rep, Samantha, explains that if the entire staff is equipped with this line of computers, productivity will increase by at least 15 percent, based on experience with other legal firms. Bruce is a little skeptical of these productivity gains, yet he is willing to listen because part

Ask if any kickback Samantha might have in mind could also be shared with his boss.

Request immediately that their conversation be kept strictly confidential.

Explain to Samantha that his law firm makes purchasing decisions strictly on the merits of the product or service.

Ask Samantha what she means by "treats decision makers very well" before discussing the possible purchase of netbook computers any further.


Question 10

A customer gets a pair of shoes resoled by a cobbler. Later at home, she realizes that the shoes are too tight. She returns to the cobbler and says, "What's wrong with you? Don't you know how to put new soles on without making the shoe smaller?" In which of the following ways would the cobbler respond if he uses the natural child ego state?

"It's not my fault, and they can't be redone. See you later."

"I'm sorry it happened. Shall I try stretching the shoes to make them fit?"

"You must have been disappointed. It's a nice pair of shoes. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"That's funny; it never happened before."


Ashworth Semester Exam BZ440 Quality Control - 2024

BZ440 : Quality Control

Question 1

According to __________, organizations should concentrate their energy on eliminating the vital few sources that cause the majority of problems.

the cycle of process improvement

the Pareto Principle

Deming's Fourteen Points

the integrated strategic focus


Question 2

The traditional view of quality measured process performance in:

defective parts per hundred produced.

on-time product delivery.

customer satisfaction.

cost per part produced.


Question 3

In order to survive in a globally competitive environment, organizations must adopt a __________ strategy that gives them a sustainable competitive advantage.






Question 4

Which of the following is NOT a value that leads to peak performance and excellence?






Question 5

The primary inhibitor of empowerment is:

resistance to change.

fear of losing control.

workforce readiness.

management practices.


Question 6

Employee ____________ means not simply empowering employees to participate in the decision-making process but expecting them to do so.






Question 7

For employees and managers to function effectively in a total quality setting, they must have good __________skills.

team building





Question 8

Communication is a process with several components: the message, the sender, the receiver, and the:






Question 9

Which involves investigating the cause of a problem by grouping data into categories?

Problem solving





Question 10

Which of the following is NOT one of the four strategies of the scientific approach?

Collect meaningful data

Identify causal relationships

Develop appropriate solutions

Plan and make changes


Ashworth Semester Exam BU470 Strategic Management - 2024

BU470 : Strategic Management

Question 1

 Green Frog is an environmentally friendly firm in the cosmetics industry that has decided to undertake a strategic planning project. It wants to ensure that it performs the process correctly and so intends to start the process with the first step of the strategic planning process. This step is:

defining its mission.

setting objectives.

measuring performance.

defining its business level strategy.


Question 2

The ___________ ratio signals a greater risk of bankruptcy as it increases.

debt to equity

quick ratio

debt to assets

cash flow per share


Question 3

All other things being equal, which of the following would lead to lower barriers to entry in an industry?

The existence of economies of scale in the industry.

Products are highly differentiated in the industry.

Industry incumbents have learning-curve cost advantages.

Raw materials are widely and readily available at a competitive price.


Question 4

_______ are resources required to successfully compete in an industry.

Strategically valuable assets

Technological leader strategies

Process innovations

Product innovations


Question 5

Inputs whose quantity of supply is fixed and does not respond to price increases are said to be:

elastic in supply.

inelastic in supply.

elastic in demand.

perfectly competitive.


Question 6

Firms for whom the price of the products or services they sell is determined by market conditions and not by the individual decision of the firms are known as:

profit takers.

price makers.

price takers.

profit makers.


Question 7

In general, firms selling differentiated products face a demand curve that is:

upward sloping.



downward sloping.


Question 8

In reality, strategic choices are often made over time, in a ________ manner.






Question 9

Which of the following is NOT a way to create economic profits through collusion?

Colluding to increase the bargaining power of buyers.

Colluding to reduce the threat of new competitors.

Colluding to reduce the threat of current competitors.

Colluding to reduce supplier leverage threats.


Question 10

_______ exists when a firm is unfairly exploited in an exchange.

Competitive advantage

Business level strategy


Corporate level strategy


Ashworth Semester Exam BU460 Electronic Commerce - 2024

Question 1

Which of the following features of e-commerce technology enables merchants to market and sell "complex" goods and services to consumers via marketing messages that can integrate video, audio, and text?



Information density



Question 2

What's the third step of the social marketing process?




Fan acquisition


Question 3

An E-commerce site that costs $25,000 to develop is likely to require a yearly maintenance budget of approximately






Question 4

Which of the following is used to collect and analyze detailed information on page content viewed by users?

Search engines



Site transaction logs


Question 5

Most of the world's spam is delivered via



Trojan horses.



Question 6

Which of the following generates the largest share of the online entertainment industry?

Video games





Question 7

______ provides a set of standards for communicating between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and server.






Question 8

The Internet has resulted in lower search costs, increased price comparison, and lower prices to consumers for _______ insurance.

term life



property and casualty


Question 9

Which of the following is a method of inventory cost management that seeks to eliminate excess inventory?

Lean production

Sustainable production

Just-in-time production

Supply chain simplification


Question 10

The process of slicing digital messages into parcels, sending them along different communication paths as they become available, and reassembling them at the destination point is called


the Transmission Control Protocol.

packet switching.

the File Transfer Protocol.


Ashworth Semester Exam BU450 Leadership Skills 2024

Question 1

Which successful business woman advises against drawing too much attention to one's gender?

Anne Marie Slaughter

Darla Moore

Nancy Bador

Cherri Musser


Question 2


The modern scientific study of leadership can be divided into three eras. These are:

trait, behavior, contingency.

charismatic, visionary, exemplary.

case studies, research, theory building.

personality, event-based, complex analysis.


Question 3

Individuals with __________ power can influence others because they are liked and respected.






Question 4

Zhen doesn't like change much and empowers his employees to make their own decisions. Which strategic leadership type is he?

High-control innovator

Participative innovator

Status quo guardian

Process manager


Question 5

A common set of beliefs and assumptions shared by members of an organization is its






Question 6

Free riders appear to be more common in which cultures?

Collectivistic cultures

Participative cultures

High-control cultures

Individualistic cultures


Question 7

Which of the following is a problem that can be caused by too much similarity in homogeneous groups?

They may become less productive.

There may be a lot of conflict.

They tend to lose their creativity.

Decisions may take a lot of time.


Question 8

What can be the result of subgroups losing touch with one another?

Poor performance

Poor coordination of activities

Poor time management

Excessive workload


Question 9

Which of the following is a solution to the challenges that women and minorities face in leader development?

Support development of networks.

Focus on the individual leader.

Involve direct supervisors.

Find mentors at different levels.


Question 10

What's a common mistake that many leaders make?

Sharing information with team members

Allowing employee participation

Decentralizing control

Trying to include too many people